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Everything was...strange.

Tae and Jungkook were so confused as to why everything was just a dream. It felt so...


The kiss, the touch, the feeling...real.

Jungkook spent his days on his bed, laying down and looking up at the ceiling, thinking about everything. He wanted to feel those...feelings again. But with the real Taehyung.

Not in a dream.

Real life. He wanted to kiss the real taehyung, touch the real Taehyung, love the real Taehyung.

Taehyung has been going to the library, he wanted some time to think, plus he spent that time reading. He's been going to this ancient ass library.

He was going through the halls of books, looking for which he could read next. But then it hit him. He wanted to know what was that about. He went to the mystery part.

He looked through the books until one came in "The Black Book". He took it and started to read it. Then the book said it needed a scroll also. Taehyung went to the scroll hall. He went though the scrolls. All the scrolls old, dusty, about to break.

He finally picked one up.

It was already night time, but thank god this was a a library that was open for 24 hours.

He went to a table, opened the scroll and mysterious book. He went to the first page, which showed the chapters. One caught his eye, named "Dreams through people" he saw the page, he went to the page and opened it.

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For centuries we have told about dreams. Dreams of sex, falling from the sky, monsters to even doin your business.

But what if you had a dream about someone else, and they also had the same dream. Not only that, but also, they both had been asleep for weeks.

Yes that can happen.

It means so many things.

•That they are meant to be.
•They haven't seen each other in so long, that the brain just wanted to do a dream about feeling them again.
•They both die together.
•They will be best friends.

And so much more.

But what if you didn't know who also had the same dream as you, and you had been asleep for weeks, plus of one particular person. It must happen that they also had that sleep.

What might happen:

•you may communicate by dreams.
•you may see them soon
•and many more things could happen

What should you do if this happens, you ask?

Well...it's optional if you want to talk to them in person, if you two meet.

Sometimes not only are they meant to be lovebirds, but they can also be meant to be enemies.

If you meet them, you could be lovebirds, or you might be enemies.

Ask another about this, one will say if they can love or never be trusted and be faded hearts.

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Taehyung closed both scroll and book.

So...Jungkook May have also had the dream/sleep.

So either they're meant to be



Faded Heart ||Vkook|| Third Book In The "Heart" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now