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Everyone was going on a field trip to go to the beach and just walk. Everyone was getting on the bus, headed to the beach. Tae sat down next to Hoseok. Tae looked out the window.

Jungkook sat down, next to Wonpil. He looked out the window, he remembers when he left Daegu to Busan...leaving Tae.

Damn how time flies fast...

Jungkook was all the way in the of the bus, next to Wonpil. While Taehyung and the others were at the front. All laughing and all, except Taehyung. Who kept glancing over at Jungkook. Every now and then, they'd lock glances. But Kook would always look away, out the window. The bus started to move

Towards the beach...


"Wait what?"

"Yeah you're sitting next to Jeon Jungkook" Said the lady. Tae looked over at Jungkook, who was looking out the huge windows of the restaurant. She pointed to the seats, to wait for the table.

"Hey did you hear about the hurricane?"
"What hurricane?"
"The one that Hit Puerto Rico"
"Oh yeah I heard it hit yesterday, September 20"
"Yeah, hope they stand up to their feet"
"Of course they will"

Tae heard a conversation in the distance, about a hurricane?


Tae also wished luck to the island.

"Hey Jimin?" Asked Yoongi "I'm sitting next to Yoongi-"

"Yeah I'm sitting next to Namjoon!" Jimin giggled. We really did love Namjoon. He felt like he was his brother. "Okay"

"Table of Jungkook and Taehyung" Said the speaker.

Tae was trying to wait for Jungkook. Which he did catch up, Tae was walking side by side with Kookie. Jungkook finally noticed and shyly smiled.

'Ignore him. He'll sit with you but don't talk. He's a dick. He betrayed you. He didn't and never loved you. He forgot about you. He doesn't love you. You forgot about him. You don't live him. You hate him!' Said the voice inside Jungkook's Head. Jungkook shook his head, he tried to ignore it. But it controlled him so much he just couldn't ignore it so easily.

They sat down on their seats in the table. Jungkook sat down next to the window, while Tae next to him. Tae sat down happily yet very scared. How rough would Jungkook be?

Jungkook sat down, looked out the window without a word. He had a very done face. Taehyung sat down while he drank some banana milk. "Hey Kook?" Asked Tae, almost a whisper. He was scared for Jungkook, he was scary and rude now.

"What?" Asked Jungkook in a flat tone.

Tae handed him the cup "want some?" He asked carefully.

Jungkook just looked at the cup, and instantly took it. Kookie started to drink, not even thanks.

"oh ok..." Tae looked down, he felt unloved and everything. He just wanted to disappear...no

He won't.

He'll get Jungkook back.

Even if that voice won't like it.

He also wondered why they couldn't sit with whoever they want-

"WO!" Hoseok sat on the table too. And so did the others. Namjoon texted to Taehyung 'I made the lady do that for we can sit with Jungkook!'

Tae looked up and smiled a thanks to Namjoon. Which he nodded in 'You're welcome'.

Jungkook looked annoyed and stood up, walking to the lady. "Hey can I get another seat?" He asked, a little pissed off


"Please. Now. Or I'll leave." He said in a flat, serious tone. Very scary indeed.

"There's no more tables."

The teacher came "pLUS, you can't leave"

Jungkook sighed annoyed, he rubbed his eyebrows and scoffed "fine" he rolled his eyes and went back to the table. "Hey~!-"

"Shut up or I'll fucking snap your neck, Hoseok."

Hoseok's eyes widened, Damn he didn't knew that Jungkook would be this rude.

"Jungkook?" Asked Tae with a huge smile

"How have you been?" He asked

"Amazing, the best without you!" Kookie smiled and looked down at the menu.

Tae's face went from happy, to hurt, sad, attacked. He looked down at his menu too. Jimin noticed everything "Jungkook," he started. Jungkook looked up "what'd you gon order?" He faked a smile.

"I'll get a banana milk with some-"

"We'll just all order pizza!" Said Jin. Everyone nodded in agreement. Jungkook didn't complain. He also wanted some good pizza.



"WOOOOOO!!!!" Cheered Hoseok as he heeled up his speaker as the song "Havana" by camila cabello was on.

Jimin looked at Yoongi was about to hold his hand but Yoongi pulled away "Yoongi?"
"I don't want to hold it now-"
"Why have you been acting this way? You've been acting this way for a few weeks now. You never wanted to kiss me, hold hands, embrace, nor text. Yoongi what The the hell?!"
"I want peace for a while!"
Yoongi was about to grab Jimin but he walked away pissed

Tae felt chills go down his spine. He also remembers when they fought in the Dreams he had when he was asleep for weeks.

Jungkook was walking out of the group, to the giant rocks. Everyone stopped at the rocks and took a moment to just look at the sea and sit on the rocks. Jungkook, stumbled and his knee was bruised and fucked up. He left a little squeal but no one noticed. Tae was the only one who did. And he didn't even see him, he just had a feeling and turned around to check on Jungkook.

"Kookie!" Tae ran to Kookie and bent down to look at his knee. Jungkook was laying on the rock. "Ah~!" He moaned in pain. Tae took out a bandaid and some alcohol swab. "It'll hurts but-"

"AH!" Jungkook Yelled in pain as Tae passed the swab on the cut. "Now now"

He put on the bandaid "there~!"

Tae helped Jungkook get up. Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, but then looked away and separated from Tae. "I could've done it myself. I didn't need your help, nor wanted."

"Welp, I still did!" Tae did his boxy smile.

Jungkook scoffed "I want to leave"

"We're almost going back to the school"

Jungkook didn't really didn't mean it, it was the voice telling him what to say and do. He looked out at the sea and sighed

"I wish I could keep on walking with you in the beach but alone and in the sun set" Jungkook whispered

Taehyung heard and made sure it would come true.

Faded Heart ||Vkook|| Third Book In The "Heart" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now