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The sound of the monitor, the beep.



Beep beep

Jin opened his eyes, he was laying in a hospital bed. He breathed in and out, he looked around. Everything was white and just...plain.

There was a curtain beside the bed, separating the room. he opened it as it showed Namjoon laying on the bed.



Beep beep beep

Namjoon opened his eyes. Jin wasn't even crying, not happy, nothing. Just confused.

What is this?

A dream?

Jin stood up, and so did Namjoon. Namjoon looked at Jin "what is this?"

"I...don't know."

"Why are we here?" Asked Namjoon while studying the room. Jin looked out the window "I don't know. Let's go outside and look around." Namjoon nodded, he followed Jin out the door.

Jin and Namjoon were now standing in the hallway. It was a hospital. "Oh shit..."

They saw Jungkook in the distance...


On a wheelchair?

Namjoon and jin ran to him. Jungkook looked up at them, he had an emotionless expression. Flat. Unreadable.

Namjoon bent down "who did this to you, Kookie??"

Jin also bent down, holding his hand.

"An old friend"


Jungkook looked across the hall "Hoseok..."

There was silence. Namjoon and Jin were trying to process what was going on. Until Jungkook broke the silence "I'm going outside for a while"

They didn't even notice he was holding smeraldos. Jungkook walked around the hospital park in the wheelchair, while holding smeraldos in his hands.

Namjoon and Jin then went back to their room. They closed the door until they noticed someone standing in front of the window.

Someone tall, muscular, sharp jawline, thin lips, and with white, blonde hair.

"Who are you?" Namjoon Asked. He couldn't be seen clearly. He was standing in front of the window, which gave the sunlight and just blinded them.

"My name is Jonghyun and I'm here to tell you that you have to be aware."

Namjoon already knew why this was happened.

"Watch Hoseok. When you wake up from your nap, go to the halls and find Hoseok. Quick and never loose him or the others."

"You're here to tell us what's going to happen?"

Jonghyun warmly smiled "I'm your messenger. I'll use you two to know what's going to happen and as the guardians. I'm saving you all." Jonghyun opened the window.

Jin stepped forward "Wait!"

Jonghyun turned around "yes?"

Jin gulped "we are now part of what's going on?"

Jonghyun set foot on the windowsill

"perhaps" he said before flying away to the sky.

Faded Heart ||Vkook|| Third Book In The "Heart" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now