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"Help...we need..." He turned around "to fix this quick Taehyung..." Said Taehyung's voice "have this," he handed over a necklace to Taehyung, the crystal heart. Except it was glowing. "Wear this and you'll be protected by me"

Jonghyun smiled


Taehyung was sitting next to Jimin in the school bus. Hoseok on the other side of Jimin. Taehyung looked out the window and wondered how today would be.

That dream of his...

"Taehyung?" Asked Jimin

"Hm?" Taehyung turned his head to Jimin.

"Is something the matter?"

Taehyung cleared his throat "I had a dream in which my own voice said that I can fix this. And that I'm the one to find out how"

Jimin's eyes widened. Hoseok got into the conversation "what's going on?"

They told him everything. Namjoon and Jin should also know. Yoongi...they feel like they've lost him. But not completely.

"Hey Hoseok?"


"Please try to talk to Yoongi"

Hoseok nodded slowly "ok...I'll try"



"Come closer~" Said the voice, Luring Yoongi closer. "Yes..." He snatched him up

"You're now mine. You're now controlled by me. Make cOnFuSiOn. Make hate. Make a maze"

Said Taeyong with an evil smile


"Jimin?" Taehyung asked Jimin with worry on his face. Jimin held into Taehyung's arm "take me away from this place..." Jimin shook his arm "GET ME AWAY!!!"

All eyes went to Jimin. "What happened?" Asked Taehyung while walking away from the crowd, behind a wall. "I keep seeing things. TAEHYUNG HELP!" Jimin fell to his knees and grabbed to Tae's shirt.

"What the hell??!" Taehyung was confused. He was so shocked.

"I keep hallucinating! I keep seeing horrible things. FUCKING GET ME OUT OF THIS HORRIBLE PLACE!! HELP. HES CHEATING ON ME WITH HOSEOK!!!!"

Taehyung turned around, finding Hoseok wide eyed and worried for his friend. "I've never even kissed Yoongi-"

Jimin grabbed onto hoseoks shirt, tears rolling down his face "YOU GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!"

Jimin slapped his face. Hoseok touched where he slapped. He shook Jimin "JIMIN! YOU'RE SEEING THINGS. THINKING THINGS. THEYRE NOT TRUE AND WONT EVER BE TRUE!!!"

Namjoon and jin came "what the fuck is all the screaming?" Namjoon and Jin were sweaty. "Jimin!" Namjoon noticed and dragged Jimin away from Hoseok.

Taehyung clenched his crystal heart.

Jimin finally calmed down, as if the necklace had power and good luck.

Jimin stopped crying, let go of Hoseok and sat straight. "Oh my god..."

"The necklace...mine is positivity...Kookie must be negativity..."


Jungkook sat next to Yoongi at lunch, alone in the basketball court. Jungkook took a sip of his banana milk. Yoongi said to Jungkook while takin a chip, "Hey Kook?"


Yoongi stiffed "are you the fire and Taehyung is the ice?"

Jungkook felt his heart drop to his stomach. Did Tae tell them about everything? Did Tae have the same dreams? Are they having dreams together???

Jungkook didn't notice a tear roll down his face. "I-I-I..."

Yoongi held his hand "I am...I-I- I want to talk to Taehyung but this voice...DOESNT LET ME DO SHIT!" Jungkook threw his book.

"I hate you Taeyong..."

Taeyong whipped Jungkook in the back

Jungkook Yelled "AH!"

Jungkook fell on the floor.

"You bow to me Kook"

"Kookie?!" Yoongi went to Jungkook and bent down. He helped him up. "He whipped me again."

Another whip

"AHHHH!!!!" Jungkook screamed. His mouth opening to big, his whole fist could fit inside. He started to cry of pain.

"What's going on??!!"

"My voice...keeps whipping me"

He cut his wings

Jungkook then stayed quiet. He sighed



"I SAID NOTHING!" He clenched his necklace, Yoongi went flying across the court. Jungkook stood up and ran to him.
"What the fuck???"

Yoongi stood up, groaning in pain. "What the Hell was that???"

"I...don't know"


"You're a bad person. No one loves you. You only bow to me. You only serve me. Yoongi is now mine too. Can't wait to win this at last..." Taeyong chuckled

Faded Heart ||Vkook|| Third Book In The "Heart" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now