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Yoongi ran and ran.

Away from that thing.

He ran and ran and ran.

He ran in the streets, in the dark, in the dark night. He still felt the thing chasing him.

"You cant hide, Yoongi" said the voice.

Yoongi didn't stop, he kept running.

"You will stumble and fall" continued the voice.

Yoongi now slowed down to a walk. A car could be a seen in the distance. The car past by. Yoongi just watched.

He then saw Jimin standing there.

Yoongi walked closer.

Jimin, with a smile on his face. His hands behind his back.

"I'm sorry..." mumbled Yoongi.

Jimin just kept on smiling.

"Say something..."

Yoongi fell to his knees "SAY SOMETHING!" He started to cry.

Yoongi crawled closer. "Please..."

Jimin's eyes were full of pride. The one he loved was standing in front of him. The one who he then hurt, who he betrayed, the one who understood him, the one who was always by his side. He hurt him.

If only Yoongi could just...wake up from this nightmare.

"I forgive you..." said Jimin with a warm smile.

"I-I...please don't leave me..." mumbled Yoongi. A tear rolled down his cheek.

And so did Jimin.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to tell you what's really going on Jimin...I hurt you and I regret it. It's a painful regret..."

Yoongi raised his hand, to wipe the tear rolling down Jimin's face. But as soon he touched his cheek, Jimin faded.

"You can't withstand the storm" said the voice and then laughed.

Yoongi stood up, he wiped his tears "I am the storm" Yoongi hissed

After he said that, Yoongi woke up.

Faded Heart ||Vkook|| Third Book In The "Heart" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now