Chapter one (Percy's POV)

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Dedicated to Hazel_-_Levesque for being my first ever reader on this book

I came up to Half-Blood hill, panting for breath.
Okay, I should explain. I've been off doing quests with Athena and Hephaestus, trying to let Annabeth marry me, and getting Hephaestus to make me an engagement ring. I was really happy with the results. The ring was made of Celestial Bronze, and instead of a gem in the middle, it was a sea-green owl. It was so cute! Now I sound like one of the Aphrodite campers. Wait,what was I talking about again? Stupid ADHD!

I decided to rest, in my cabin that I shared with my brother, Thomas Burns. I can remember the day that he came to Camp for the first time.


I was on patrol of the camp with my Wise girl, when I saw a young boy, at the age of 11 or 12 running up the hill, with no weapon, and a few hellhounds after him. My eyes widened. Annabeth was looking out at the Camp,in that mood that she gets in sometimes. Like she wants to make improvements. When she's like this, she is just... immovable. It's like she's not aware of what's going on in the world.

Anyway, he was running up the hill, and because Annabeth was in that mood, she couldn't really help him, so I ran down the hill, told the boy to run to the cabins that were just over the hill, and started one of the many battles of my life. A hellhound sprang at me. I ducked under one set of claws, blocked another with Riptide, and then stabbed it in its under belly. It dissolved into ash.

"Now?" I told the other hellhound. "It's your turn."

It's response was to growl at me. I rolled my eyes. It sprang at me, and I had to throw myself out the way to dodge the claws that came for me. I stabbed the beast on the skull, leapt to the side, and then turned back to the demigod that was running from them, who was just standing there, open-mouthed.

Demigods e an to the top of the hill.

"Percy?" Clarisse asked, "What's going on?"

" I'll tell you what's going on, " the other boy snarled, "That boy just stood to the side as I was attacked!" I

"What?" I yelled.

"Of course. I'm not surprised. The so-called Hero of Olympus does nothing these days." Clarisse said.

I stood there looking at Clarisse in shock. I knew that she didn't like me, but to take it this far, that was really unlike her.

I stood there, glaring at Clarisse. She met my state full on, with a glare of her own.

"What's going on now?" Annabeth said, finally turning around.

"He," I said, pointing at the boy, "Is accusing me of standing by while he was attacked! And she," pointing to Clarisse, "Believes him!"

"Clar--"Annabeth didn't get any further than that, because a green light had washed over us all. I looked up, and saw a symbol over the boy's head.

"No..." I said under my breath.

Annnabeth looked at me in shock. The symbol over the boy's head was a trident.

Chiron cantered down the hill in centaurs form. When he saw the symbol, he bowed his head.

"All hail Thomas Burns, son of the earthshaker. Son of the sea, and lord of horses. hail Thomas Burns, son of Poseidon."

All around me I saw campers either kneeling, or bowing their heads. I knelt, even though I hated doing it. He saw me, and smirked.

Flashback over.

That day will forever be in my head. I wish it could go away. But, no. Apparently not.

I walked back to my cabin, and collapsed on my bunk.


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