Chapter 6 (Nico's POV)

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I walked towards the cabin area. The reason for this being that the closer I was to the place I was to shadow travel to, the less likely that I was going to pass out on arrival. And Annabeth said I wasn't smart.

I found my mouth twitching into a grown at the thought of Annabeth. But Thomas? He was a lot worse. I felt like running him through with my blade. That's how much I hated him. But my hate for him was nothing compared to Percy's.

Stupid ADHD!

I shook myself out of my thoughts. I had to focus at the task at hand. Anyway, I focused on the Hephaestus cabin, and felt myself melting into the shadows.

I was next to Leo's bunk in they're cabin, when a wave of dizziness hit me. I waited for it to pass, then looked around for the brain washer. Leo had given me a description. It had a black handle with red lines, and it looked like a laser beam at the end. Like, isn't that a bit typical?

I finally found it in a drawer that was next to Leo's bed. I picked it up, then got the Hades outta there.

Time skip to Percy and Nico are looking at the brain washer.

"Is this it?" Percy asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, I wouldn't risk getting the wrong think, would I Perce?"

He rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"Now we have to find a satellite in camp somewhere, and then we will have the whole camp at our command!"

"Careful, Percy. We'll have to do this when the hunters are in camp as well. And make sure that Artemis is not around when we do use it. For example, when the Olympians are in a council meeting when the hunters are round here would be the best time. How does that sound?" I said.


The time came.

We found a satellite dish on top of the Athena cabin. We hooked up the brain washer, just as someone screamed from the Hephaestus cabin. Uh oh. They've noticed. We pressed the button, and a red glow spread over camp. Everyone stopped what they were doing. They turned to the Athena cabin, and bowed. My mind went blank, and I bowed to Percy as well. Percy smirked at me.

"I'm sorry Nico, but I had to make sure that you weren't a traitor. I didn't know whether I could trust you or not."

In my head I was screaming, I was not a traitor Perce! Just give me back control! He looked at me. I realised he heard me.

"If I give you back control, the first thing you must do is swear allegiance to me. On the River Styx. Deal?"

Deal. I thought.

He muttered something under his breath, and made a movement of his hands, and I, suddenly, for back control.

"Nico. Swear allegiance to me now. Or I'll take control back."

I knelt down in from of Percy, and started the oath.

"I, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, swear my allegiance to Perseus Achilles Jackson, the son of Poseidon. I swear this on the River Styx."

"Rise, Nico di Angelo, as my second in command."

I rose off the ground in a trance like state, and looked at the camp.

"What are you looking at?" Percy yelled. "Get a move on!"

They started moving again, in the jobs that they were doing before the brain washer went off.

"Annabeth Chase and Thomas Burns, go to the Big House in five minutes. Nico, go and act like nothing happened. I don't know if Chiron was affected. I'll go and check." Percy said to me.

Time skip to the Big House (Percy's POV)

"Chiron? Are you in there?"

I knocked on the door of Chiron's office. He came out, and immediately knelt at my feet. Well, the best he could do for a centaur.

"Lord Percy. What may I do for you?"

I needed him in my service. It was all part of the plan to get more troops.

"Swear your allegiance to me on the River Styx." I said, in a commanding voice.

"I, Chiron, son of Kronos, swear allegiance to Perseus Achilles Jackson, on the River Styx."

He, somehow regained back control.

"Percy. What did you do? The camp..."

He paused then got a shocked look on his face.

"I did not just swear allegiance to you."

"Yes, you did."

He sighed wearily.

"Well then, I suppose I must do what you wish. What do you want?"

"Summon the centaurs. I need more archers."

"Of course, M'lord."

He said the last word like it was poisoned. It wasn't, but no-one really expected this, so I suppose it must have been like poison for him.

"Then," I told him, " Go to Olympus. Tell them that the camp has fallen to me, and that if they want to take it back, they'll have to take it back themselves."

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