Chapter 10 (Percy's POV)

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I decided to have a day off for once. I just relaxed on the beach, messing around in the water with Nico. And then guess who shows up?


"Lord Percy? We're under attack."

Can I not have a break?

"Who's attacking us, idiot?" I

"It's Camp Jupiter. Praetor Ramirez-Allerano and Praetor Zhang are leading it. All the cohorts are there, and they are all armed with Imperial gold weapons."

"Go and tell the defenders to let them in the camp."

Thomas hesitated.

"NOW!" I

He scuttled off.

My reasoning for letting them in? Anyone who comes in the borders are immediately under my control because the satellite reaches to the border. So, it'll just improve my chances of winning against the Olympians.

Reyna stood at the border of the camp.

"Percy!" She yelled

I walked up to the border, looking unimpressed

"What do you want?" I asked her, bored.

"What I want, is for you to stop this madness. Come back to me Perce. Please. Come back."

I pretended to consider her words.


The word seemed to hit her in the face. It's obvious that no-one said no to her in her camp. But this? This is my camp. Where Nico and I were the only ones in charge.

"Reyna, I'll make this easy for you. Come now, and I will spare your life. Just swear your allegiance to me now. On the River Styx.
I'll spare your life of you do."

She hesitated.

"If I do swear allegiance, will you also spare the legion?"

"Yes, I will. Of course, as long as they join forces with Camp Half-Blood. Just step into the borders. And our deal will be complete."

Reyna took a deep breath.

"I, Reyna Ramirez-Allerano, daughter of the roma n Goddess Bellona, swear allegiance to Perseus Achilles Jackson, the son of Poseidon. I swear this on the River Styx."

I smiled at her, and let her in.

"Come in then, Twelfth Legion."


How was the chapter? I hope it was alright. Anyway, dedication this time to a friend of mine, who gave me the inspiration to write this book. Dedication to Blessed_by_Hypnos He does write a Percy Jackson betrayed book, so go and check it out!

That's it for now, see you next time!

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