Chapter 20 (Nico's POV)

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I sat there, in the box, laughing my head of as Clarisse disappeared. She should've gone with the boiling water!

Like Hermione Granger once said: What An Idiot.

So, it took a lot of my energy to shadow travel her to Tartarus. Especially when I wasn't near her. To put it simply? I passed out.


I woke up with a pounding head ache, blurry eyesight, and all I saw was a mop of blonde hair.

"Ugh... My head..."

My vision came into focus. I realised that the mop of blonde hair was Will. I blushed, hoping I didn't do a Percy and dribble in my sleep. I can only hope.

I tried to sit up, and my head started pounding. Ouch.

He pushed me back down into a laying position.

"Nico. You've been out for literally 4 whole days. Let us make sure that


Just as I spoke, Percy Jackson himself ran into the room.


I was tackled in a massive hug. Seriously, it was like Tyson! Dude. You might be thinking that this is weird, but even though Percy has changed, he's still the same loyal person deep down.

"Can't... Breathe... Percy... Geddoff..."

He climbed off the bed, and looked really embarrassed.

"Sorry Nico, but you've been out for ages. What else would you have expected? I'm me."

I managed a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Fish Brain."

(What does Nico call Percy? IDK, so for now, it's Fish Brain).

"Fish Brain, Nico? Seriously?"

"Yup," I said, popping the p.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Anyway," I said, "What's happened while I've been out?"

"Well.... Hermes and Hestia have come over to our side of the war. Zeus is still stubborn. Ares is thinking about it. Oh, and Artemis has sworn loyalty as well, as long as the hunters are spared. So Thalia's now on our side, since Artemis is. And... That's about it, I think."

I say there in silence. That was a lot of potential allies. Then a thought came to me.

"Has Clarisse escaped?"

Percy laughed.

"Not yet. But she's close to the doors."

"Have you got any surprises waiting there for her?" I questioned.


"What's the surprise?"

He smirked at me.

"I'm not telling you. Yet."

I blew a raspberry at him.

"I hate you Perseus. I really do."

"No you don't Nico," he said, "It's not possible to hate me. I'm an extremely lovable person. Unless your on my bad side. Then everyone would hate me."

He left the room, and as soon as he left, Will came over and started fussing around, checking machines and pressing buttons.

"You're free to go," He told me. " But keep the fighting to a minimum. AND NO SHADOW TRAVEL!"

I left the infirmary, chuckling under my breath.


That's it!

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And I have a question.

How do we have almost 400 views... BUT HARDLY ANY COMMENTS!


Peace, love, goodbye!

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