Chapter 30 (Clarisse's POV)

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I was still in the eternal out of damnation.

Shoot. It was getting really annoying now. I mean, at least the chains are gone, but still. Being in Tartarus was not fun. At all.

I've been hunted from Tartarus feet (Gross by the way) to where I am now. I have no clue where I am now. I think it might be the chest area. But whatever.

I was walking along the River Plegethon (spelling?) when the empousai came up behind me.

Good gods, not again.

One of them pointed to me and did what they would call a smile. to me it looked more like a growl sort of thing. Euch.

They all started running towards me.

Oh shoot. Was the only thing going through my head.

I ran faster, not looking back and not stopping. That was stupid. Really stupid. I tripped over a piece of broken glass, and fell. The glass scraped across my palms as I put my hands out to stop. I scrambled up, and carried on running, although the empousai were gaining quickly.

I cursed under my breath and ran faster. My legs screamed at me, as I started slowing down, and suddenly collapsed from exhaustion. The last thing I saw was a figure in a hooded cloak before everything went black.

----------------------------------- Nico's POV-----------------------------

I looked at the shadow message, and frowned in confusion when I saw the hooded figure. I cut through the shadows, and went to find Percy.

I finally found him in one of the gardens at Olympus.

He looked up as I approached, his thinking face on.

"Oh, hey Nico. Wassup?"

"Hi Perce. I... Saw something really weird today. In a shadow message."

He was up and by my side in less than a second.

"Show me."

I led him over to a wall nearby, and produced a pitch black coin.

I threw it into the shadows, and it disappeared.

"Show me Clarisse La Rue, in Tartarus."

The shadows bent to make shapes, one being Clarisse, another being the hooded figure. You could see the empousai in the background.

The hooded figure produced a glowing white sword, and he swept it in a wide arc. A walk of light pushed outward, and when the light vanished, the empousai were killed, they're ashes blowing throughout Tartarus.

The figure then picked up Clarisse, and vanished, leaving only a faint shimmer of the rainbow to show that he was ever there.

I swept my sword through the mist, and looked at Percy expectantly.

He'd gone pale, with an expression like fear in his face.

"Percy? Who is he? Seriously!?"

He was silent, then he turned and flew off.

------------------------------------ Percy's POV ----------------------------------

How. He died a loong time ago. And he managed to get to Tartarus. He fricking killed himself!

Stupid host of Kronos. I'm coming for you. Do you hear me, Luke Castellan. I swear on the River Styx. I will come for you.

I wonder how he's still alive. Maybe when he died, because he was hosting Kronos, he counted as a monster? So he reformed in Tartarus instead.

But he is literally the only person in the world that I'm scared of. And he's the one who's alive. The life of a demigod is hard. And confusing.

I flew around New York, just screaming in frustration.


Once my rant was over, I headed back towards Olympus, and summoned Reyna and Nico there.

"I have news. We have yet another enemy. We need to launch the quest immediately. What was the prophecy again?"

Nico answered.

"The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run read, with blood been spilled."

"Okay. So obviously, Son of Death. That's you, Nico."

"Not necessarily."

"What do you mean? Your the only son of death."

Nico shook his head.

"No I'm not."

"Who else is then? C'mon Nico. Tell us."

"There's a bit at Camp Half-Blood. Zach. He's a son of Thanatos."

There was a shocked silence.

"Percy, I'm sorry. I should've told you."

"Yeah, you should've. But didn't."


"Nico, go and tell the Camps about the prophecy. Tell them to send 5 Demigods up, including Zach."

Nico flashed out.

"Percy," Reyna asked, "Are you okay?"

I looked at her.

"I honestly don't know, Reyna. I have no clue whatsoever."


Hello people.

Not much happened in this chapter, but we have a new OC. Comment weapons and powers and stuff like that here please.

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!!
Peace, love, goodbye!!!

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