Chapter 5 (Percy's POV)

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I walked out of Olympus, with a weird feeling in my chest. Did I really mean that? I mean, while it's true that the gods have done hardly anything for me, what about Nico? Or Thalia?

A feeling entered my stomach. Maybe... Maybe I should ask them to join me... In my side. I won't join Ouranus, I will help to face him, but I will also do my best to overthrow the Olympians. Yeah, that sounds about right. But then, how will I build the army? Oh well, I'll just... Use a brainwasher. I know that the Hephaestus cabin is working on one, and I can try to steal it. But, it might go wrong. If I do recruit Nico, then he might be able to shadow travel in and out, but I don't really want him collapsing. I'll figure it out.

Time skip to where Percy is asking Thalia if she will join him

"Hey Thalia?"

"What is it Percy?"

I was starting to get second thoughts about this. But, you never know.

"If I made my own side in the war coming up," I blurted, " Would you join me in it?"

Thalia stared at me. I cross my fingers and hope that she'll accept. Instead, she started laughing her head off.

"Good joke Percy!"

"It's not a joke." I proceeded to tell her about what happened in Olympus, and my last words to the gods.

Thalia got tears in her eyes.

"Percy... I can't join you."

My heart sank like a stone to the bottom of my stomach.

"Why not?"

"I made a pledge, remember? I pledged myself to Lady Artemis. I can't turn my back in that."

"Fine. But I promise you Thalia, you will join my side. Whether willingly or unwillingly."

I turned away, and left the hunters camp.

Time skip to where Percy is asking Nico to join him.

"Hey, Nico?"

"What is it Percy?"

"Okay, so long story short, the gods accused me of being a traitor, now I'm starting my own side in the war coming up. Care to join?"

Nico got a wicked smirk on his face.

"I'm in. Have you asked Thalia?"

"She declined my offer. But I do have an idea of how to get the whole camp in my side."

I told him about the brain washer in the Hephaestus cabin.

"Good idea, Perce. do you want me to shadow travel in?"

"Yeah. That's probably the better option."

"Okay. I'll get it tonight."

"Thanks Nico."


How was it? I know it's short, the next one will be short as well, but after they actually leave the camp, the chapters should all be around 1000 WORDS each. For now, the average words per chapter is around 400-500

Remember to vote and comment! I do read every comment, and I will reply to a lot of to guys!

Goodbye for now, and I'll see you next time!

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