Chapter 34 (Reyna's POV)

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The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run red, with blood been spilled.


I was at on my throne, feeling pretty good about myself, when I started to hear screaming coming from the dungeon. At first, I thought nothing of it, then when the screams got louder, I decided to go and investigate.

I met Nico there.

"Hey Nico."

"Wassup Reyna?"

"What's that scream- Oh."

I spotted Demeter in her cell, screaming her head off.


Nico beamed at me.

"I based it off of a book I read, the Skulduggery Pleasant series? You heard of it?"

I shook my head, and he gave me a look.

"Reyna, your missing out.
So basically, a living skeleton meets a girl called Stephanie Edgely, and then Stephanie becomes Skulduggery's sidekick/partner in crime, and they both become detectives, and then they find out that the man who killed Stephanie's grandfather was a man called Nefarian Serpine, who made Skulduggery into a skeleton in the first place. Massive fight scenes, blah blah blah. Then Skulduggery kills Serpine with a weapon called Sceptre of the Ancients, which can turn the things to dust."

I blinked.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

He looked at me, waved his hand, and I appeared in the throne room again.


Joanne's POV (Daughter of Apollo from the prophecy)

We had been teleported into Tartarus what seemed like days before, even though it was probably only hours, when we came across a swamp, with lights around it that were on. I was ecstatic. We've finally found a place to rest!

"Are you sure it's safe?" Isabelle asked me.

"Maybe. Monsters aren't usually that smart to build a hut, so... Clarisse could be in there!"

We ran flat out for the hut that was in the middle of the swamp, stopped at the door, and I knocked.

The door opened, an unfamiliar guy with blonde hair and a scar at the opening of the door.

"Hello. What is your business here?" The guy said.

"Is Clarisse La Rue here?"

She popped up at the door.

"Hi Joanne! Come in!"

The blonde guy moved out of the way.

"Luke, can you help them rest?" Clarisse said to the blonde guy. Oh, so that's what his name is. Luke.

"Luke? Luke Castellan? Person who saved Olympus?" I asked

"Save it? I nearly destroyed it!" Luke cried.

"At Camp, we only talk about how heroic you've been, not how you almost destroyed the world." I told him.

"Unexpected. And pleasing. Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah. Percy has received a prophecy."

I recited the lines, and when I finished, he showed us a necklace that was around his neck.


The necklace had an onyx stone embedded in it, but was on a good chain. The colors of Pluto.

"The prophecy said it was guarded by humans."

"It is. When I came back, I lost all of my Demigods abilities, though thankfully not my training."

"Guarded, though?"

Luke smiled.

"I have friends that don't want to give it away."

Mortals that were previously demigods poured into the hut.


Hello. Sorry it took a while to update.

Also sorry it's short.

But an update is an update, right?

I'd actually completely forgotten about the prophecy. So I decided to do a POV down in Tartarus.

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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