Chapter 38 (Zach's POV)

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The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run red, with blood been spilled.


I had been hiding behind the rocks behind Izzy and Jo, and I honestly couldn't believe it. Jo liked me back.  Even though I was a son of Thanatos, she liked me back.

Wow. I did not see that coming, that's for sure.

I concentrated.


What is it Son?

Can you do me a favor?

Depends, what is it?I

Can you let me do telepathy with the members of the quest?

Sure. Don't see why not.

I felt the minds of other people enter my reach.

Thanks Father!

Our connection went dark.

I focused on Joanne.


I felt her shock from over here, and I had to repress a laugh.

Who is this?

It's Zach.

I thought you couldn't talk?I

This is inside your head.

Oh. So it's a dream?

I mentally facepalmed.

No. I asked my dad to connect the members of the quest using telepathy.


I mentally laughed.

Come to the basement in the house.


When Joanne started to walk down the stairs to come into the basement, I felt a feeling take over my body.

I started to open my mouth.

No. Please, demon, I can't do this. I can't talk.

"Hello." I whispered.

Joanne dropped to the floor, and the feeling vanished.

Stupid eidolon.

I rushed forward to her body, and felt for a pulse.

It was there. Faint, but there.

I sighed with release, then picked her up, took her upstairs, and tucked her into bed.

Travis walked months door, and saw me hunched over Joanne's body.


I turned on my telepathic ability.

I'm so sorry Travis. A- an eidolon.... Made me do this. This is what happens when I whisper. When I talk.... It's even more catastrophic.

Travis advanced on me, dagger out.


He lunged at me.

I dodged, and he came at me again, and again and again. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

I used the last power at my disposal- commandment.

Stop. I thought at him.

He froze.

Leave me and Joanne alone. Get out of the hut.

He did so.

I hated using that power. It made me seem superior. It was horrible.

The good thing was that it made it easier to capture enemies. I really needed to tell Lord Percy about this.

He might find it useful.

Isabelle came in the room.

"Guys, we have to get out of here now. Carry on the journey. And we need to take Clarisse with us. She's part of the prophecy. But what law would she have broken?"

I shook my head.

"I, for one, haven't got a clue." Joanne said.

I nodded in her direction.

I agreed.

I know that Clarisse was a rule breaker, but she wouldn't break one of the ancient laws. She's not that stupid. Right?

I went over to the door and held it open. My four fellow quest members nodded to me as they walked out, though Travis gave me a look. It was a look that said We'll talk later. At least I had that to look forward to. (Note the sarcasm).

I followed them out, and I saw a drakon start to appear in the distance.

I pointed at it.

"Guys we need to go." Joanne said for me.

Wait. Look at the drakon. I told her mentally.

Someone plunged what looked like a tree into its mouth.

I recognised this from Percy's stories the Camp talked about.



I feel evil. Ghosts it for this chapter, 700 words yay.

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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