Chapter 26 (Nico's POV)

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We walked down the familiar staircases if been down loads of times, and went into my father's realm.

"I haven't been down here in months." I said to myself.

Percy snorted. "I haven't been here in years."

I shook my head. "Lucky."

We got to the bottom of the staircase, and looked over the familiar site. To our left was the River Styx, in all its dark glory, and to our right was the Castle of the Underworld, in black and gold. From this angle, I could see Persephone's garden.

I remembered the last time I went in there, to get the seeds, and shuddered. Being captured by those twins were horrible.

"Well, we're finally here. Now... To the castle?" Reyna asked, breaking the silence.

I shook myself out of my memories, and looked at Percy.

He nodded.

We walked towards Hades' castle in an arrow formation, Percy in the middle, with me and Reyna on his left and right.

I led the way, leading them down several hallways, the kitchen, the living room, and we finally got to the throne room.

Hades was there, lounging around in his throne. But when he saw us he put on his helmet, and picked up his staff.

"Reyna. Do your thing." Percy ordered.

She smiled.


She turned to Hades, and laced charmspeak into her words that she got from when she destroyed Aphrodite's throne.

"Put down your weapon, then get down on your knees."

I felt the charmspeak affecting me as well, causing my sword arm to lower my Stygian Iron Blade, and filling me with the desire to go down on my knees.

I saw it affects g Percy as well, and he looked uncomfortable while he looked at his girlfriend.

Hades hesitated, before throwing his staff to the other side of the room, then getting down on his knees.

"Hades, crawl to the opposite side of the room that your weapon is on, then lay down on the floor with your face looking at us."

It was funny to watch. Hades himself, one of the Big Three, crawled on his knees. Reyna allowed herself a smirk, before turning to Percy.

"Make him freeze his muscles with his own godly power, then make him swear to not move unless one of us three give him permission to."

Reyna turned back to Hades.

"Freeze your muscles with your power, then swear on the River Styx to not move unless you are given permission from either Me, Percy or Nico."

"I swear on the River Styx to not move unless given permission to Reyna Ramirez-Allerano, Nicholas Di Angelo, or Perseus Jackson."

Hades said, in a monotone voice, before blasting himself with a black light, and then freezing in place.

Percy snorted.

"Pathetic. I would've thought that he'd put up a bit of a fight at least."

He turned to Hades.

"Get up, pick up your staff, and then point the tip of the staff at your chest."

Hades did as Percy commanded, a frightened look on his face.

"Push it in by half a centimeter."

Hades slowly did as he was told, then looked like he wanted to collapse in the floor, but Reyna's charmspeak wouldn't let him.

"I give you permission to collapse if you need to." I said.

He collapsed immediately.

This time, it was me that snorted.

"Classic. Now, Percy, who's destroying the throne?"

"None of us. That'd be too much work. Instead, I got a friend of mine to fill in the position."

Thanatos appeared in the throne room.



Hello, I'm back.

Not a long chapter, sorry about that, but I really wanted to update, but had writers block again. So... Yeah.

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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