Chapter 22 (Zeus' POV)

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I was still locked up when he and in and announced that the punishments were about to start. I hate to admit it, but I really wasn't ready. Having the sky on my shoulders... Is too big a responsibility to have. And this is coming from the Former King of the gods. And yes, I said former. With the Olympians under his control, the title goes to him. He's a lot more powerful than I ever gave him credit for.

Nico reached in through the bars of my cell, and despite my efforts to squirm away, he grabbed my wrist, and we dissipated into shadows.

We emerged on top of Mount Othrys, and I jumped back when I realised that Atlas was chained right next to me.

Then I realised I had something cold pressed to my neck. I looked up the line of the Stygian Iron blade, and was met with Nico's calm look. He jerked his free hand towards Atlas.

"Take his burden. Now."

I hesitated. But when I felt the sword press deeper into my skin, I went over and took Atlas' package. The sky.

It seemed to be fighting me, pressing me towards the Earth. Straining to get to the Earth Primordial. The weight was killing me. And this was with Atlas helping. On my own... I had little chance of surviving, let alone holding the weight. But I had little choice in the matter.

Then I felt the sky getting heavier, and when I looked at my companion, Atlas, he wasn't there anymore. In his place was dust and ashes. Nico must've killed him. Of course. Nico crouched down till he was eye level with me.

"Enjoy your punishment. nd remember that it's your fault that Percy changed. If he hadn't changed, then you wouldn't be here. And Perce told me one other thing. Oh yeah."

He shoved a piece of ambrosia in my mouth, then melted into the shadows.

Back at camp, Percy's POV

Nico came back into the arena.

"Is he there?"

He nodded in response.

"Good. Now, we are marching on Olympus soon. So prepare the army. I've heard that there's many defences. And minor gods. And challenges. But I'll win in the end."

"That you will Percy. That you will."


That's it. Short, I know but I have good news!



But my phones about to die, so I can't really update more.

Vote and comment on this chapter!! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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