Chapter 14 (Percy's POV)

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It was quite exhilarating, day after day just sitting in the throne that had been installed in the dungeon, just twitching my fingers. It was funny, how just a twitch of my fingers could make even Zeus scream. Like, isn't he meant to be the strong god? Seriously. The king of the gods should never scream. I know that when I become king of the gods, I won't be screaming. That's for sure.

I was snapped out of my light dose by Rey Rey snapping her fingers in front of my ears.

"Perce? What's the matter?"

I smiled at her.

"Nothing wrong. I was just thinking about when me and you take our thrones on Olympus. Obviously, we'll have to destroy the Olympians thrones. That should also drain out the powers of the minor gods, so that we will have basically no equal. We will rise above all powerful beings."

"That we will, Perce. That we will."

We sat there's for a moment, enjoying each others company. Then she sighed and got up.

"I better go and check on the Campers. You never know what they might be up to."

I nodded at her, still distracted.

"Yeah, you can go. I'll be up in a few minutes. Also, while your up there, send Nico down please."

She nodded at me.

"I will."

I sat there, absorbed in my thoughts, and I didn't hear Nico come in.

"Percy? Did you ask to see me?"

"Yeah. Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure Perce. What is it?"

"I'm going to let the Olympians out of their cages. One by one, I want you to shadow travel them to Mount Othrys. Can you do that?"

Nico gaped at me in shock.

"You're giving them a chance to escape! Are you mental!"

"Trust me Nico. Trust me on this."

He hesitated, then nodded.
"I will see what I can do."

"Thanks Nico. I won't let you down, I promise."


How was it? I hope it was okay. BTW l, this was posted on my phone, and because is a smaller screen on my IPad, then the amount of text will be a bit smaller than normal.

Remember to vote and comment! I do my best to respond to all of them, so I will be on frequently.

I also do regular updates, but I don't have a set timetable. I will tell you if I'm going on a break though, so you'll know.

Goodbye for now, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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