Chapter 35 (Joanne's POV)

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The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run red, with blood been spilled.


I made a gesture to the demigods with me and we all stood back to back in a circle.

"Take out your weapons!"

We all drew our swords (in my case crescent moon blades).

"Luke! What's the meaning of this!"

He spread his hands apologetically.

"Sorry, I can't do anything. I swore on the Styx that I would only give away the necklace if these mortals were defeated."

I muttered a curse under my breath, before lunging into the nearest mortal.

Our blades flashed, and my blade was ever so surely pushed back against me. Then Isabella was there, pushing a white blade against the mortals, before unravelling something that was around her wrist.

A carved whip shot out, slashing against the mortals face who jumped back.

I saw my chance, and lunged forward, stabbing my blade through the mortals chest, only just seeing him crash to the floor before turning to the next opponent.

I saw Zach out of the corner of my eye, slashing a stygian iron blade across a girls throat before turning around to a boy who had been creeping up on him and plunging the sword into his torso.

We locked eyes from across the room, and I started stabbing my way across the room.

It wasn't long before we were stood back to back in the middle of the room, moving around in a circle, utterly destroying everyone who came to our small area.

We acted like a whirlwind, knowing what each other was going to do even before they did the move. We were a perfect pair to fight. I noticed he was blowing with a dark aura, not one sword hitting him and doing damage. Not one weapon touching him.

He was an amazing fighter. Definitely with experience. Definitely looking cool as he did it. I defended his back while he dealt with the people in front, I must have defeated at least a couple dozen.

It wasn't long till they were all dead on the floor.

I sheathed my blades.

"Good thing we brought mortal weapons with us."

The others nodded before we all turned to Luke and Clarisse, who were sitting on the bed looking bored.

I walked up to him and held out a hand.


He took it off and, without bringing his eyes away from mine, piled it into my hand.

"Thank you. And one last thing."

I leant towards him and whispered into his ear.

"I wouldn't advise going after Lord Persassy. He is more powerful than you may think. That is all."

I gestured to my fellow quest members.

"Let's go."

I turned my back on Luke, and started to walk towards the door, when I heard a clash of blades behind me.

Luke was standing there with his sword touching Zach's throat.

"Don't move," he cautioned, "Or I'll slit his throat."

I stayed rock still.

"Good. Now go over to the corner there, lay on the bed, then don't move a muscle. Or I'll do it."

I did as he asked, full of fear. Zach can't die. He was a main part of the prophecy. Also... I think I may have had a crush on him. Maybe.

"Let him go and I'll do whatever you ask for the next 2 weeks. That's the best your going to get."

Zach was shaking his head no. I looked at him with desperation in my eyes. Sorry I mouthed.

Luke laughed.

"I hold the cards here. Not you. What I say goes."

Clarisse stood up.

"No. I hold the cards." Clarisse said.

I almost smiled.

"Let him go, or fear the wrath of the Champion of Tartarus!"

I silently cheered Clarisse's name.

Luke removed his sword and pushed Zach towards me, where he fell in top of me. Awkward position.

He climbed off me, and helped me to my feet.

Clarisse jerked her head towards us, then the door. The message was clear: Go.

I looked at Zach, and we both knew what we had to do.


We charged forwards at the same time, weapons out.


Happy Halloween!

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Average length, around 800 words. I'll try and upload again straight away, but you never know.

Remember to vote and comment!! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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