Chapter 32 (Clarisse's POV)

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The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run red, with blood been spilled.


I woke up to a burning light being shown in my face, illuminating a face that I knew well.

"Luke? Luke Castellan?"

He looked sheepish.

"Yeah, Clarisse. It's me."

I tried to get up to tackle him, when someone came up behind me and pushed me back down.

"Ethan, can you get some more bandages? Clarisse has another cut on her ribs that I didn't see before."

"Sure boss. Why not?"

I looked at Luke.


"It's an inside joke. He doesn't have to call me Boss. Thats just Ethan."Th a

I nodded.

"Why are you down in here anyway? I figured it'd just be me and a crap ton of mobster, to be honest."

"I think that because I was going against the Olympians at the time, it counted me as a monster. The same with Ethan. And..."

A daughter of Aphrodite walked in.


"Clarisse? What are you doing down here?"

"I was banished down here."

"The gods?"

"No. They're not in charge any more. Percy put me down here."

"What?!? Perseus Achilles Jackson took over Olympus?"

I nodded.


"Any reason?"

I gave her the short version, and by the end, I had Silena in tears.

"Oh gods... Poor Percy..."

I knew what she was feeling right now. Sometimes, I just felt like shouting: DAM THE FATES!

But that's the price of living a life of fighting, I suppose. Tragedies happen.

It was then that a black and red flash burnt light into my eyes, and a man with purple skin and a red helmet stood in front of us.

I knew him from Annabeth's descriptions.

I knelt on front of him.

"Lord Tartarus? How may I help you, today?"

"Enough with the formalities. But Clarisse, the Primordial Council would like to see you."

I nodded, and I suddenly appeared in a throne room that would make Olympus seem like a broom cupboard.

There were 12 thrones arranged in a circle, surrounding a table that was god sized, as the primordials were about three times the size of a god. There was only one throne missing an occupant. The throne in question was covered in darkness, and looked like the galaxy, with all the stars and planets on. Probably Chaos' throne.

Sitting in the thrones around the room were:

•Eros, sitting on a throne of a deep shade of violet,
•Aether, sitting on a throne of bright yellow,
•Nyx, sitting on a throne of pitch black,
•Gaia, sitting on a throne of brown and green,
•Ouranous, sitting on a throne of Blue and Black,
•Pontus, sitting on a throne of azure blue,
•Tartarus, sitting on a throne of blood red,
•Erebus, sitting on a throne of dark grey,
•Chronos, sitting on a throne of gold,
•Hemera, on a throne of bright blue,
•Ananke, sitting on a throne of baby blue,
•Chaos (not present) with a throne of a galaxy type thing.

I bowed to all of the primordials, and then Tartarus stood up.

"I would like to make Clarisse La Rue my champion, any objections?"

Chaos finally flashed in.

"I object."

Her voice ran out through the hall.

"Lady Chaos, why do you object?"

"Because I have recently blessed someone, and that someone is her enemy."

"Percy?" I asked.

Chaos nodded.

"But we will do it as we have always done. All in favor with Clarisse La Rue being the Champion of Tartarus?"

Aether, Nyx, Gaia, Hemera, Chronos, Eros and (of course) Tartarus rose their hands.

"We have a majority." Chaos announced.

"Clarisse La Rue, do you accept this title? Do you pledge yourself to the Primordial Tartarus, and swear to obey him at all costs?"

"I do."

Tartarus blasted me with a blood red light, and I was engulfed in sudden pain. But before long, the pain was over, and I radiated an aura of red and black.

"You may take you leave of us, Miss La Rue."

I waved my hand, and I appeared back in Tartarus.


Well, I finally updated.

Sorry it took a while, I've been busy doing homework. And I haven't been allowed on my phone recently.

But I have some good news. I came out as Bisexual last night :D.

Anyways, remember to vote and comment!! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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