Chapter 37 (Isabella's POV)

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The necklace is the thing you seek,
That's guarded by the mortals weak,
Too keep our current king in power,
You must survive the final hour,
5 Demigods must embark on this quest,
Or the rebellion will never rest.

The demigod daughter of the god of war,
Will break one of the final laws,
And the pit is where you must go,
Or you'll be caught by the monster below.

The son of Death alone knows the way,
And you'll find enemies in the day,
In which a leader will be killed,
And a field will run red, with blood been spilled.


We got interrupted from our walk around Tartarus when an image appeared in the Mist above us.

"Lady Reyna? What would you like of us?"

"Could you get Joanne and Travis? We need to ask them an important question."

"Of course, M'lady."

I called for Joanne and Travis, who immediately bowed when they saw Reyna's face hovering in the Mist.

"Lady Reyna?" Joanne asked.

"I would like to extend an offer, that I am sure that you will accept. I would like if you two could join the Olympian Council."

"I'm sorry Lady Reyna, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"I- I don't want to leave Connor behind."

Reyna nodded as if she had expected this, then looked at Joanne.

"I'll give you my answer in a second, I'll be a minute."

Joanne ran off, then came back a few minutes later with a huge grin on her face.

"I accept."

"Nice. Joanne, you will be working with Will Solace from Camp Half Blood. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course."

"Then I now name you Joanne Maynard, Goddess of the sun, and of the truth."

Joanne flowed with a faint gold light before dying down to usual. She held out her hand and a small ball of light appeared before vanishing.

"Awesome." She grinned.

I felt a slight pang of jealousy at her happiness. As my mother was a goddess of revenge, I had had a very happy childhood, so my teenage years were meant to be horrible. I hardly ever felt true happiness, though I did sometimes fake it.

I forced a smile.

"Well done Joanne! Congratulations!"

"Thanks Izzy!"

"But I have a question. Why did you go inside to check something before you accepted?"

"I had to make sure."

A faint blush had made its way onto her cheeks.

"Check what?"

She looked at Travis, and I got the hint.

"Travis, can you go somewhere else."

My tone made it more of a command than a question. But Travis didn't look convinced.


"Now." I glared at him.

He ran off, and I grinned at his reaction.

I turned back to Joanne.

"C'mon Jo, you know you can tell me anything."

"I... I think I have a crush on Zack."

I stared at her in shock.

"I was... not expecting that."

"You find it weird don't you. Daughter of Apollo, and Son of Thanatos. I should never have told you. Oh my gods. I'm so pathetic. Don't tell any-"

I grabbed her by the arms.

"Look, Jo. This is not weird. Seriously. Stop thinking that I'm grossed out. I'm not. In fact, I'll tell you my crush in return. I have a crush on Connor Stroll. Now we're square."

Jo nodded.

"It was kind of obvious. You two were making lovey eyes at each other."

I stared at Jo.



"We've gotten off subject. You and Zach. But why did you accept? He's mortal."

"No, he's not. He was blessed when he was a child by his dad. It came with a blessing, and a curse."

"The blessing being immortality, the curse being unable to talk?"



I'm actually dead inside. Who was Connor gonna end up with in the books?

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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