Chapter 19 (Percy's POV)

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I sat in my office, Nico and Reyna at either shoulder.


"Yes Rey Rey?"

"What are you thinking about?"

I smiled.

"Ways to punish Clarisse."

"Oh. Any good ideas yet? Or is your mind blank?"

"Minds gone blank at the moment. But I'm sure I'll figure something out soon."

She nodded, then laced her hand in mine. I smiled at her, then had a sudden idea.

What if I let Reyna decide the punishment I was going to give Clarisse? That way she'd trust me, and she would be able to have a little bit more power in the camp.

Yeah. That sounds good.

"Rey Rey? How would you like to think of the punishment to give Clarisse?"

"I'd love to."

Time skip - Next day

Reyna's POV

I'd spent the whole night, just thinking about what punishment I could give Clarisse. But it was only now that I thought of the best one.


He was by my side in an instant.

"Yes Rey Rey?"

"I've thought of a punishment."

I then proceeded to tell him my idea. (Not telling you yet folks. Sorry about that).

A wolfish grin spread across his face.

"Yes! That's an amazing idea!"

"Thanks Perce."

Another Time Skip (Sorry, I'm lazy). Clarisse's punishment.
Clarisse's POV

I was dragged to the centre of the arena, with ropes chafing the skin around my ankles, and my hands in shackles behind my back.

It was then that I saw what had been set up.

A massive pool of boiling water, a pool of shadows, and a pit of wolves that looked really hungry.

Reyna stepped up to me, and gave me a smirk.I

"Step into one of the challenges provided please."

I wasn't stupid. The water definitely not. That's Percy's territory. So no. The shadows were Nico's territory. So no. But the wolves looked like they were going to tear me apart. So no.


Y'know what? I'm going to take my chances with the pool of shadows.

I shuffled over to the shadow pool, and stepped in.


Normally I'd end the chapter here, but I promised a double update, which I can't do because my phones almost dead, and it's 9:00 here, so I'm going to make a longer chapter. Hopefully about 600 words.


I was instantly plagued with nightmares. Images of a pit with tons and tons of monsters, the ground moving, broken glass between my feet, and stale air so poisonous it was hard to breathe.

There was only one place this could be. Tartarus. But was it actually a dream?

Nico could've shadow travelled me here. It would explain why I had my ropes and shackles on still, and it would also explain the deep voice ringing through my head.

So, a punt demigod decided to enter my realm. Let me tell you, it won't be fun.

The voice shut off, and I heard barking. I turned, and saw a pack of hellhounds.

Uh oh.


That's it! 596 words. Close enough to 600.

Remember to vote and comment! I will reply to a bunch of you guys, and I read every comment!

Peace, love, goodbye!

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