Chapter 24 (Nico's POV)

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I sat there, on my throne, feeling pretty good about myself. Demeter was at my feet, in the form of a dog. Suits her personality alright, doesn't it.

"Get me a coffee." I ordered her, and she scampered off.

She better get me that coffee. Or I'm going to be annoyed. And my bad temper is not to be tampered with. Definitely not.

Percy looked at me amused, before summoning a coffee and putting it in my hand.

"Oh. Thanks Percy."

Then Demeter ran into the room, coffee in hand.

"That reminds me Demeter. You haven't sworn loyalty to me. Do it now, or I'll come crashing down on you with all my power. Do you understand?"

She took a deep breath.

"I'll play by the rules. But I will not swear allegiance to you."


She cringed away from my anger. Then thought better of it.

"You heard me Nico. I won't swear."

Percy looked like he was about to explode. Then he pointed at Poseidon.

"You. Put her in a cell now. And get Hestia."

Poseidon bowed at his feet.

"It shall be done, My Liege."

He rushed out the room, dragging the Former Corn Goddess with her.

"Hestia? Why do we need Hestia?"

Percy looked at me like I was stupid.

"You need another slave while she's... Preoccupied."

I started to grin.

"Preoccupied how?"

I sensed, rather than saw him smile.

"You'll see."

Then I remembered something.

"Percy? Reyna? I just remembered something."

"What is it?" They asked in unison.

"Hades. We haven't taken him down yet."

"Your right. We can march on him today. Perce?"

"Okay Rey Rey. I'll just prepare the demigods.

Percy summoned them all into the throne room. And the cyclopes. And monsters. And... Well you get the gist of it.

I whistled appreciatively.

"Nice army, Perce. Decent amount of forces."

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"This isn't my whole army. Just the amount that we'll need to take over the underworld."

I gaped at him. Wow.

"You coming? To take revenge on Hades?"

"Hell yes! Pun intended"

He chuckled, and clicked his fingers. Suddenly, we were both dressed in black armour, with stars dotted around in it.

I nodded.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Lets go wreak havoc."

We walked out, the army in our heels, in a perfect formation. Piper and Jason were apart, each at the head of the two halves of the army.

The only demigods that weren't coming with us were the Mars/Ares kids, and the Apollo/Apollo kids. They were staying to defend while we were gone.

I turned around to face the army.

"For Percy!"

They yelled the war cry back at me.


That's it! The next chapter will be when they overtake Hades, if you couldn't tell.

Also, I got a better cover! I know it's still bad, but it's better than the last one.

Remember to vote and comment!!! I will reply to a bunch of you guys!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!

Peace, Love, Goodbye!!

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