Chapter 7 (Artemis' POV)

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Didn't expect that, did ya!


Chiron cantered into the throne room. He looked at Lord Zeus.

"Lord Zeus! Perseus Achilles Jackson has taken over camp! He sent me to tell you that if you want camp back, you'll have to take it yourself."

Zeus looked at Poseidon in disbelief.

"Chiron. How, exactly, did this happen?"

He told the tale, starting with the red glow over camp, and ending with when he left the Big House. The council hall went up in shouting.


The Olympians all shut up.

"It's obvious what we need to do. We need to take back Camp. Athena, do you have a way of taking it back?"

She looked at me sadly.

"Artemis, I'm sorry. But if Perseus has taken control of the camp, only he controls who can come in and out of the barriers. Also, if he has the brain washer, then anyone who does go inside the Camps boundaries will be instantly in Perseus' command. The satellite affects the whole camo, and the brain washer is strong enough to incapacitate a god. Hephaestus? Any ideas of how to take back the camp?"

He shook his head.

"Whoever has that brain washer is immensely powerful. We won't have a chance of withstanding its effects, even if we went there in our true forms. Percy has outsmarted us all."

"I think we need to learn if it really does work on a god. Does anyone want to volunteer?"

"I will," Poseidon said, "It's my fault that he's here. So I should be the one to go."

"Brother, you're the second most powerful god on earth. If you go we'll be down a powerful fighter. You can't do this!" Zeus cried.

The rest of the gods exchanged looks. That was completely unexpected. Who knew that Zeus could be so caring? Even Hera was looking at her husband weirdly.

"We'll put it to a vote," said Poseidon. "All in favor of me not going?"

A few hands went up: me, Zeus, Hephaestus, Demeter and Aphrodite.

"Five hands went up. The majority vote is that I should go. Hopefully, I'll be back."

He flashed out.


How was it?? I know what your all thinking. Your dad might be in danger. But know, whatever happens, this is actually all for a reason. Poseidon has a part to play. All of the gods do. That's it for this chapter, enjoy!

Remember to vote and comment! I do read all the comments, and I will reply to most of them!

Goodbye for now!

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