Chapter 23 (Percy's POV)

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I left the place I had once called home, as the campers followed on my heels. I had had the Hephaestus cabin to modify the brain washer to work outside of Camp, so they were still under my control.

It's a good life.

So, I flew to Olympus, and landed outside of the Empire State Building. Then I started tearing it up, brick by brick. I pulled it apart. When I was fun with it, the doorman was a pile of ashes, and the building itself was in a heap.

It wasn't long before Nico and the campers arrived.

"Dam, Percy. What did you do?"

I blushed.

"I may or may not have ripped the whole thing off its hinges. Oops?"

I faced the campers.

"It's time. Ares and Mars children, go up first. You'll be the first wave. Then the Hephaestus, Vulcan, Hermes and Mercury's kids. Then the rest. Nico, Reyna and I will be going with the first wave. Clear?"

They nodded.


I rushed into the elevator, the first wave on my heels.

The music was still playing, and it got really frustrating after a few minutes in that elevator. So I did the natural thing. I smashed out the side, and flew out, with Reyna in my arms.

"Welcome. To New York city!"

I flew her gently higher and higher, my wings spreading out on either side, blocking out the cold.

We sat in the Garden of Demeter, enjoying each others company, when the FW (First Wave) came rushing out of the doors.

The FW immediately started fighting the defenders that had been sneaking up on me and my girlfriend. And they did a good job. In minutes the defenders were either laying in the floor in a puddle of Golden Ichor, or knocked unconscious.

We ran through the newly designed Olympus, destroying anything and everything. When I looked back, it looked like someone had threw several lightning bolts at the place. It was awesome!

So, we carried into the throne room. Where the gods thrones stood, all proud and mighty. Oh, did I tell you that we brought the gods with us? Well, I did.

"What throne should I destroy first? Hmmmm.... How about... Yours?"

I looked at Athena, then backed up to her throne. I cut off the arms of the throne, then the back, then chopped the whole thing in half. She recoiled as her power flowed into me.

"Ah... I'm no longer seaweed brain. Now for the next throne."

I approached Ares' throne, and chipped off little bits at a time, laughing while I did so. But what was hilarious was the look on his face. Every time I chipped a bit off, he winced slightly. Then I chopped it diagonally both ways, and his power went into me.

I did this method with the Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Hermes thrones, never stopping laughing. Then, I said,

"Nico, step forward."

He did as I told him, and I gestured to Demeter's throne.

"It's all yours."

He chopped it in half with one swing, and his power grew a tiny bit.

"Reyna, step forward."

I nodded my head towards Aphrodite's throne, and gave her permission to take the power.

I chopped the rest in half, but leaving two standing:
Poseidon and Zeus' thrones.

I created a rainbow, bending the sunlight and summoning water.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Zeus at Mount Othrys."

I threw in a Drachma, and Zeus looked up at the image suddenly appearing in the wind.

"Hi dude. Okay, so I'm at Olympus, and I'm about to destroy yours and Poseidon's thrones. Okay? And I want you to watch."

Nico disappeared, and reappeared next to Zeus, and he held his sword to Zeus' throat, forcing him to watch.

I approached the throne of the Former King of the gods, before ferociously chipping the back rest. He winced, and I grinned. I then slashed off the arms, enjoying the look on his face. He was biting his lip.

"Now, as far as I'm aware, the pain will go on until it crumbled into ruins. So I'm not going to destroy it all yet. Not until you beg. Until you beg, and swear loyalty, I will not end your suffering."

He shook his head. It was obvious that the pain was too much for him to talk, but the point was obvious. He wasn't going to swear. And with that, I cut the Iris Message.

"Well! Now that's over and done with, I believe we have one more throne to go."

I backed up towards Poseidon's throne, uncapping Riptide. He winced at the sight of his blade. I stabbed his throne in the backrest, and dragged my blade down, until it reached the seat. When it reached the seat, I slashed off the arms, and I chopped it in half with both my blades, Nightslayer, and Riptide. He screamed in pain when Nightslayer did damage. Then, the throne dissipated into mist, like the rest of them did.

I looked back at the throne room, and felt my OCD trigger. There was only one throne left. So I cut it in half, and Zeus was no more. I conjured up a throne of my own making, a black throne with silver streaks, that matched my wings. When I say on it I felt powerful; as if the whole world was at my command.

All my godly allies flashed into the room, and bowed in front of my throne. Then I had an idea.

I conjured up two more thrones: One for Nico that was jet black with Gold streaks, and one for Reyna that was good with black streaks. They came forward and took their places.

I stood up, and took the brain washer out of my pocket, and turned it off. All the Demigods stared at me like I was some kind of enemy. That's not very nice, is it! I was their King!

"Poseidon, Demeter and Aphrodite come forth. Demeter, you are now Nico's personal slave. Aphrodite, your Reyna's. And Poseidon? Your mine. To treat you how ever I would like. And I'm telling you to act like a dog."

To my surprise, he actually got down on all fours, and barked.
I burst out laughing, then told him to get up.

Aphrodite and Demeter were being told what to do as well. Aphrodite was currently rolling around the floor pretending to be a log, and Demeter was in a worship position in front of Nico, kneeling with hands clasped in front of her, while grass and vines came up through the cracks in the floor and tied her to the ground.

This was it. The new word. Ran by me.


Yay! Drama!

This is a long chapter, over 1000 words! Almost twice the size of what I usually do!

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I will reply to a bunch of you guys!!

Criticism is appreciated as long as it's positive!!!

Peace, Love, Goodbye!!!

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