T H I R T E E N ~ "Only if you join me."

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This chapter is dedicated to @phemaor16 for voting! Thank you x


Wednesday passed without any drama.

Thank god.

It's now Thursday which means it's match day. Which is something that's hard to ignore because campus really goes for it.

Posters are put up everywhere. Blue gold streamers are up in every single corridor and the players walk round like their Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on their first red carpet.

Including Axel.

I've not seen Axel alone today, he's always got people around him.

Mainly girls in cheerleading outfits which I am totally calm about, by the way.

Totally calm.

So when Rob and I are doing last minute homework in our dorm room, the last thing I expect is for Axel to walk through the door.

"Hi star player!" Rob shouts as Axle walks in, a smile on his face from all of the attention today.

Rob is just as bad as the rest of them so I roll my eyes and put on a smile.

"Hey, you coming tonight?" Axel asks, pointing at Rob.

"Duh, I come to every match." Rob points out, rolling his eyes.

"Wait. Seriously?!" I ask, Rob told me this earlier but I didn't quite believe him.

As it was at the same time he said that he wasn't that obsessed with Drew. Which we all know is not true because they went on a date yesterday and Rob hasn't stopped smiling since.

It's admittedly kind of cute.

"Yep. Been to every single one since this idiot was eleven."

"Why is everyone calling me an idiot these days?"

And then rob and I answer in sync saying, "Because you are one."

Axel rolls his eyes, however a smile is still on his face. "Anyway, here's my jersey." He says as he hands me it.

The fabric is ridiculously light and the whole thing is blue, it's detailing in gold.

I pick it up and hold it in front of me. "Number eleven?" I ask, wondering if there's a deeper meaning.

"My birthday, the best day of the year." Axle says, proudness laced through his deep voice.

"You are wearing his jersey?!" Rob shouts as he looks at me and Axel.

We both turn away from each other and face Rob.

"Eh, yeah." Axel says scratching the back of his neck.

I look at Axel's slightly pink cheeks and let out a laugh. "You're embarrassed." I sing.

"I'll embarrass you." He threatens, the embarrassment disappearing.

"Go ahead." I challenge, knowing that I don't usually get embarrassed.

"Not yet, sweet cheeks, tonight." He winks.

"You're getting worse at these nicknames. It's Cupcake Axel, c'mon." Rob points out.

"No, it's not. Axel isn't allowed to give me a nickname. It's too couple like." I fake shudder.

"One day." Axel grins, showing off his dimples.

Picking up the duffel bag he had brought with him, he throws it over his shoulder and opens the door.

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