T W E N T Y O N E ~ "Anytime."

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This chapter is dedicated to @wilma988l for voting! Thank you :)


A X E L ' S   P O V

I can't stop fucking smiling.

Walking down the street, away from Skylar's building, I cannot keep my grin to myself. Which is obviously scaring some people from college, as I apparently never seem to smile.

But I can't help myself, not after last night. Her smile, her laugh, all of it was breathtakingly gorgeous.

But my god her body, it was like she was a fucking piece of art. I don't think I've ever lost control like that, I've never been so determined, so hungry for someone.

And I may sound like an animal but I couldn't care less. Skylar's broken all the little amount of self-control I ever had in life.

It's like her lips are drugs and I'm now an addict. I can't stop thinking about them.

Reaching campus, I head for football training. I enter through the players entrance, my smile becomes even bigger at the sight of the field.

Football is it for me. There's nothing else, no plan B or a different hobby I want to turn into a job.

Which may seems risky because if this fails, I have nothing. But I'm not bothered, I will make it.

I'm not stopping until I make it.

Opening up the door to the changing room, I'm greeted by the sight of sixteen semi-naked male bodies.

There's jeers and shouts as they spot me and I grin, going over and putting my bag in a locker.

"Why are you fuckers so happy?" I laugh as I throw back a t-shirt that was thrown at me.

"Heard you got with a girl." Rory, a guy from the team says as he walks over to me.

The rest of the guys return to getting ready but Rory leans beside the locker I'm currently putting my stuff into.

"Huh?" I ask, playing dumb.

Skylar and I are none of their business. They can take their spotty noses out of the situation.

"You know, the girl who dances. Great body." Rory answers, his remark is answered by a series of low whistles in agreement.

A sudden urge of anger surges through me at their remarks, my hands clenching into fists. Trying to maintain my cool, I stuff my hands into my joggers and raise my eyebrows.

But I know they're right, dammit I do. Her body is like some sort of dream that was designed to torture me.

It's at this point I realise I needed last night to happen and I'm going to make it happen again.

"Yeah, we've been talking," I shrug, trying not to smile at the total understatement I just told. "How come you know about it?" I ask.

"Some girl, I don't know man. Rachel, I think? Great in bed, though." Rory smirks, before turning round to face the packed locker room. "I highly recommend, lads."

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