"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part X...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part X...

Szechuan Palace...

Or, as Lilly wryly put it on entry... "Szechuan?...Palace?..."

The proprietor, Mr. Chen, giving a slight, narrow look as the gang, Leonard, Penny still holding his arm nervously, Amy rather contentedly on Sheldon's, Howard, a homburg hat rather ludicriously pulled low, held on each arm by Bernadette and Lilly, respectively, Raj a bit glumly behind them, awaited seating...

"You know, Dr. Peng..." Sheldon had turned to her...

"Shhhh...!" Howard, Bernadette... "Sheldon?..."

Lilly grinning...Guys...That goofy hat on Howie is far more likely to get us noticed...

"Sorry...Lilly...You could help me resolve a rather troubling concern of mine about the Tangerine Chicken here..."

"It tasted Tangeriney to me at your place, last week, Sheldy..."

"Yes...But that may be due to the fact I specifically mentioned Howard's name in the course of placing the order, thereby ensuring proper preparation of my chicken...Pulling strings if you like..."

"Wow...Mention of my name can get you real Tangerine Chicken...About the extent I'd expect..." Howard grinned to Bernadette...

"...And it's –on, not –y...You still seem to be having a problem with that..." Sheldon noted to Lilly...

"Afraid so...English no speakie so good, Sheldykins..." grin...Pat...

Amy, narrow glance to side...Swinging Sheldon round her...He stumbling...

"Sorry, dearest..." she hastily noted...

This seems to happen a lot more to me nowadays...He sighed to Leonard... "Has it been your experience during mating season that your female partner tends to yank you around frequently?..."

"I couldn't say...I guess I don't rate that kind of...OW!...Hey!..." Leonard ducked a second blow to head...

"You deserved that..." Penny growled... "And you know you did..."

"Pardon me...I could say I need to talk to Sheldon and I do but my main reason for pulling him away is good old jealousy...Please be warned..." Amy noted, politely to Lilly... "And bear in mind that the addendum '–kins' is only to be made by me..." grim look...

"Noted...Hang on to this girl, pardner..." grin to the somewhat bewildered Sheldon...

"Hero...Crazy man...Nice boy who puts up with crazy man for some bizarre reason...Strange Indian fellow who will never drink again in my place when my daughter is working...Pretty young lady...Crazy man's unfortunate girlfriend who threatens Humanity by maybe passing on his genes..." Mr. Chen nodded to the guys...Raj, nervously nodding...

Right...Sorry about that, again...

Girlfriend...The only word the beaming Amy heard...

"共产主义海报妓女" ("Communist poster whore") he muttered under breath but loud enough to be heard...

"Nice..." Lilly smiled coolly...

"Did he just call me a Communist whore?..." Sheldon whispered...

"Very good...You're picking it up...'Communist poster whore', to be precise..." Lilly noted... "But he meant me..."

" 我的伯父和侄子,我的甥女,所有被谋杀。 大家认识您睡眠以大党男孩向前得到。现在什么? 您从他可怜的妻子的鼻子下面窃取小英雄?" (My uncle, niece, nephew were all murdered. And everyone knows you slept with the big party boys to get to the top. Now, what? You steal the young hero from under his pitiful wife's nose?")

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