"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XXIV...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XXIV...

Presidential reviewing stand...Cal Tech...Mid afternoon...

A rather sheepish Howard in robes and mortarboard, standing on the large stage, next to the Presidential podium, flanked by Lilly likewise gowned and hatted, and Bernadette...President Siebert and Dr. Gablehauser, various other faculty and distinguished alumni including the eminent doctors Hofstadter, Koothrappali, and Cooper, seated on the stage facing the standing group...The larger audience, including Penny and the equally eminent to the boys but neither-spacey or physicsey Dr. Fowler, seated on the lawn in front of the stand...A goodly mix of reporters and security personnel, including US Secret Service and Chinese Special Services agents, scattered among the crowd...

Lilly, tight grip on Howard, tense but offering a beaming smile to the crowd..."Where are they?..." she hissed... "They're supposed to be here..."

"They'll be here or there's no deal...And they want the deal..." Howard hissed back... "You know that...It'll be fine, I promise..."

"Liar...I love you..." hiss... "Sorry...Nerves...I'll be good..."

"Soright...I'll take it in the brotherly sense..."

"Kinky...I could go incest..."

"IfIcanhearyou, otherscan..." Bernadette, grumbling softly...But extending hand...

"Sorry..." Lilly... "They're not here..." gripping the proffered hand...

"They will be..." Bernadette, squeezing back...

"I don't see Lilly's family..." Leonard hissed to Sheldon...

"Not unless they look remarkably nonChinese..." Sheldon nodded...

"Are they welching on the deal, you think?..."

"My field's advanced particle physics not mind-reading or political science..."

"Thanks, Sheldon..." glare...

"Just being clear that I can't answer that question...And we should be prepared..."


"We won't let wrong be done, Leonard...At least not without a fight..." firm whisper...

"Us?..." Raj cut in...

"We have the whole world watching, we're sure to win the sympathy vote..."

An agent in suit advanced over to President Siebert, whispering to his ear...Siebert nodding and on the agent's leaving, moving to Howard and Lilly...

"Dr. Peng?...There was a little delay getting your family here...Traffic from the airport..." Siebert noted... "But they're coming in now...We'll get underway as soon as they come up here..."

"Thanks..." she nodded...

Howard holding her arm as she swayed a bit...

"Guess the blood O2 wasn't quite what it should be after all, eh?..." she grinned at him, tears dripping...

"Makeup, Pengy..." he hissed... "You're spoiling my effect..."

"Right...Can't have the hot Asian mistress looking down at heel..." nudge...

Shrugging grin to Bernadette... Who sighed...Wan smile... "Tole you it would be ok..."

"You're aces, Rostenkowski...Take care of him for me..."

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