"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part V.

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part V...

Sensitive soul that he is, Leonard Hofstadter had been expecting Howard to come seeking if not advice, then support or at the minimum, brief escape from the women in his currently rather hectic life...At least the two major women in his life...So that he was not surprised the day after the Cal Tech reception, a party to precede the event of the season...The visit of the US and Chinese presidents to attend the awarding of honorary doctorates to the first couple of Space...that his friend called requesting a meeting over coffee early that Saturday morning...

Though he was surprised to find Penny a bit anxiously eager to join them...

"It really seems like Howard wants to talk to me...Alone." he eyed her disappointed face...

Surely she's not telling her friends each time she sees Howard for the glory points...

"...you know, guy talk..."

"Yeah...Nerd guy talk.  Pretty much girl talk only comic books and sci-fi/fantasy instead of TV shows and gossip mags...And geeky toys instead of bling and clothes...Except when Amy comes or I've been with you guys too long when we start melding into nerdland.  See?  'Melding'..."

"Very good...But we do talk about other things.  As I'm sure you do with your guys..."

"And on that plain we can meet...C'mon Leonard...If Howard's having a problem with Bernadette, who better than me...To, uh, empathize.  You know...Good ole Penny...Ms...Empathy..."

"I don't know that it's trouble with Bernadette...Though probably he's worried how she's taking it with Dr. Peng and all the people hovering round him these days."

"Well Bernadette...She's a bit easy to ruff the feathers, you know...Probably doesn't even like it when Howard pays attention to me..."

"I guess...When did Howard pay 'attention' to you?  I mean since Bernadette?"

"Leonard...I'm speaking hypo...notically here." casual look...

Tres casual...Yeah...

"Hypothetically...Ok...But I still don't think he'd be pleased to see I brought someone else.  He didn't even want Raj along...Penny, is there some reason you need to see Howard?"

Like taking his picture for the tabloids to pay your rent or for new shoes or something?  He did not say...

"What?  Nooo..." she said...Wave of hand... "No...I'm just tryin' to be a good friend here.  Help our lil' hero out..."

"Well, 'Fruit Loops' Wolowitz will appreciate it, I'm sure.  Maybe if he thinks it'll help, later on?"

"Yeah, sure..." she smiled...Then frown... "Why do they keep calling him that?  It's no way to talk about a hero...Are those NASA guys jealous?"

"What?...No, he's kinda fond of it now.  It's sorta a pet name...And God, they're just grateful the spotlight's back on NASA.  Heck as Howard says, they've all done their share of the hero bit...He just got the public attention thanks to Lilly."

"I guess...But they really ought to come up with something better...Or just call him...Howard..."

Slight catch in throat at name...


Oh, Jesus...I've caught the Amy sex bug...

"Ok, well...Give 'Fruit Loops' my best.  And if he needs me...Ummn...To talk to..."

"Are you ok?" worried look...

"I'm fine..." sudden grab and hug... "Leonard, you mean so much to me...You know that...?" Kiss...

"Sure...I love you too..." he pulled back, eyeing her...

"Yeah...That...Absolutely..." she nodded vigorously...

"You mean...'I...Love...You'...?" he asked...A bit coolly.

"Uh, yeah..."


"Some things don't need to be said, Leonard...You oughta know that." pat...Beaming smile, quick kiss...

"Yeah, sure...Thanks..." slight gulp.

"Great...See ya later..." she turned and re-entered her apartment.

Well, phew...She sighed.  Got a bit dicey there...

Oh, I gotta get over this...Now...And I will...Yeah...

No problemo...

Hmmn...Maybe I better call Amy...

Leonard, outside, staring at the closed door...

"Goodbye..." he said, quietly...Turning away...


"Hey, ole palarino...Long time no get together alone...The two compadres...Mano e mano." Howard, glibly...

Nervous glances round the Starbucks...

"Why are you wearing that cowboy hat and a false beard, Howard?" Leonard eyed him from his seat...

"Leonard...Shhhh..." finger to lips... "Look this is the first time I've been able to get out in public alone without being mobbed for weeks...Believe me, it's a necessity..."

"Fine..." Leonard looked at his latte... "So what did you want to talk about, pardner...?"

"Leonard, this thing with Lilly is driving Bernadette up the wall.  And God knows, given my history, she...And the rest of you have every reason to think something's going on..."

"None of us think anything's going on Howard...Because of your history.  We know it's all publicity and for the good of NASA and space exploration.  Even Bernadette knows that but she can't help being jealous when Lilly overdoes it."

"Thanks..." frown... "Though for your information Lilly isn't 'overdoing' it.  She's in love with me..."

Stare...Chuckle...Hearty laugh...

Howard frowning... "You know that's just what we used to do when you started mooning over Penny and then with Prya.  And both times, much to our shock, we were wrong..."

"Lilly Peng is in love with you?  C'mon Howard...You may be losing your head over her, I can believe that.  But she over...Or rather, given those six extra inches...Under you?  Please..."

"I did sorta save her life you know...And there's more involved...Which I can't really talk about right now.  But suffice it to say, the girl is gunning for me...At every opportunity.  And Bernadette is furious..."

"Gunning for you?  Uh-huh..."


"I mean I could believe she might be trying to have you killed to have the stage for herself.  If you mean 'gunning ' literally..." smile...

"Fine...I should have known I'd get no help here...Leonard, I thought I could speak to you."

"Well, sorry...But I can't help much in cases of delusion.  Penny's willing to speak to you, though...Very willing..." hard stare...


"Yep...Good ole nerd problem solvin' Penny..." cold stare... "Ready to meet up with you any ole time.  She'll set you right with this Lilly Peng thing...Sure..."

"Well, if she has some advice...She might be the better one of you to talk to...Especially the way you're handling it."

"Yeah..." curt nod. "Who better than good ole empathic Penny to help you out here.  She sure seemed eager to lend a hand..."

"Leonard?...What the frack are you talking about?  You're acting as if..."

Cold stare to Howard's blinking return...

Oh the dear God of my fathers...He stared at Leonard's darkening face...

Well, that's it either I died in space and this is Hell where I'm tormented by achieving my wildest dreams at the price of the woman of my dreams or I truly am the Messiah, like that woman in Fresno wrote me....

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