"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XI...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XI...

"You really sure about this?..." Howard, a bit uncertain...

"Hmm-hmmn, why not?..." Lilly shrugged...Opening comic book in hand and posing for his I-phone camera shot... "My folks'll get a kick out of it..." grin...

"Yeah, but..."

"Howie..." she grinned, holding open her copy of "Richie Rich: The Poor Little Rich Boy...", prominently displaying cover..."Haven't you heard?...Back home, 'Greed is the new People's Good'..."

"Lilly...You don't need to make waves just right now..."

A wave or two sweeping her back home wouldn't be so bad from where I sit...Bernadette thought...Standing by Howard...

"Eh, we'll facebook it later...By then it either won't matter or it can be my epitaph...A finger in the air..." smile...

Bernadette, puzzled...Stare to Howard, who sighed...

Fine...He took shot...

"But later...Much later...?"

"Sure..." Lilly nodded... "Now, lets go see if the latest 'Iron Man' is here yet...God, do I love Tony Stark...There's a real superhero for you...Built himself his powers...Like someone I know..." fond gleam...

"Yeah..." Bernadette...Taking Howard's arm...

"I know exactly what you mean..."

"Got my fingers crossed that Robert Downey Jr. makes it to the ceremonies..." Lilly hastily noted, a grateful Howard's look thanking her for the division of subject...

"Married, for some time now..." Howard noted...

"One can live in hope..." Lilly, faint smile...

"No...Not really..." Bernadette, coldly... "I mean you wouldn't want to break up a happy couple..."

"Bernie..." Howard hissed...

"Never a happy one..." Lilly eyed her, coolly... "Nor cause pain to someone I care for..."

"Then don't..."

"Bernie..." Howard tried again... "You know..."

"I'm not a fool, Howard..." impatient wave... "I know this isn't about..."

"Dr. Peng?..." Stuart had come over from his counter...Howard seizing upon the chance rescue...

"Hey, Stuart...Just in time to answer a question from our guest about Robert Downey, Jr/Iron Man Stark...."

"Oh?...Well, I just wanted to tell you that I got those back issues of 'Green Lantern' and 'The Flash'..." he indicated a pile back on his counter...

"That's great...We'll just leave you two to discuss graphic lore...Bernie?..." pleading look...

"Yeah, sure...We have to go discuss married things...Cause that's us...Married..." Bernadette noted...A tad archly...

"Sure...I'll catch you...Uh, both...Later, Howie..." Lilly smiled, turning back to a Stuart eagerly anticipating his largest order of the year...

"I can guess what's up, even if he won't tell me the details..." Bernadette had turned back suddenly... "And if anything happens to him..." fierce stare...

"The Chinese Prisoner..."Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum