"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part IV.

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part IV...

"My God..." Amy stared at Lilly Peng on screen seated next to Howard, Bernadette to his right doing her best to avoid total loss of composure... "That frail lotus blossom could make middle-aged portly men swear off Viagra...Her porcelain skin is even more flawless and glimmering than yours."

"She's cute enough..." Penny noted.

"Look at poor Bernadette redden...Given her ethnic heritage I'd say she's at serious risk for apoplexy or cardiac infarction." Amy shook her head...

"Yeah, must be rough for her with Howard getting so attention from the ladies..."

"I'd say 'lady'...That space dragon has vise claws."

"Yeah, whatever...Anyway, Amy...What am I going to do?  I don't want to hurt Bernie..."

"Hurt Bernadette?...What do you mean?"

"Amy...Me, showing Howard a little leeway?   Even if I have been trying to restrain it...?"

Stare..."You mean you think Howard...With the radiant Lilly Peng and thousands, heck, millions of beautiful women fascinated by his heroic aura, including those whom once he considered himself fortunate to have spit on him, would resist them for love of Bernadette but...For a slightly kind nod from you?"

He...Haw-haw...Chortle... Followed by immediate calm... "Bestie, no one admires your statuesque beauty like me...But lets get real here."

Penny, annoyed stare....

"Penny...The problem here is not Howard's weakness for you and you know it." Amy eyed her...

Cal Tech that evening...

"There they are..." Dr. Gablehauser, turning from a group of elegantly-dressed, well-coiffed, clearly leading donors and alumni, beamed.

"Indeed they are...My ...Golden couple." President Siebert cut in, elbowing Gablehauser aside to stand by a beaming Lilly in elegant gown and sheepish Howard in tux...And Bernadette, likewise gowned...If not nearly so elegantly...Urging reporters moving about the crowd to collect themselves round...

"The couple is here..." Bernadette, a bit grimly.  Holding Howard's arm firmly...Lilly slipping her arm round his other, while sipping champagne...

"Here, here..." Leonard, nearby, with Penny by his side.  He in his favorite corduroy suit, raising champagne glass, she in gown...

"Of course, Dr. Wolowitz." Siebert, glibly addressing a rather annoyed "Dr. Bernadette Wolowitz"... "And America loves you for being the woman behind the man.  But while we all cherish family values, we are here to honor the dynamic duo of space..."

"Dr. Rostenkowski...Is 'behind' nobody." Howard corrected.  To Bernadette's beam...

"Mrs. Wolowitz is just fine..." she noted, firmly.  Howard, grateful smile...

"That's beautiful..." Siebert nodded.  "Now come on over here, Dr. Wolowitz, male." chuckle...Bernadette, narrow-eyed glare... "And lets get some shots of you and your space girl..."

"Oooh..." Lilly frowned, setting down champagne, with grin at end... "I would think I was a bit more than his teenaged gal pal...Shall we say 'space lady'?  Come on, Howie, lets smile for the cameras and the greater good of space exploration..." she pulled him across the room...Bernadette holding tight for dear life and being dragged as well...

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