"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XIX...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XIX...

A contented Amy in nightgown, lying on bed...Thumbing through Penny's old bridal magazines lately consulted for Bernadette's wedding...Lilly in robe and gown, seated, likewise thumbing magazine...

Bernadette perched on edge of bed in robe and nightie...Idly watching Amy...Nervously rubbing fingers...

"Here's one..." Amy held up magazine...

"That's a beaut..." Lilly looked over... "But you'd be better off with a lower waistline..."

"True enough...Bernadette?..."

"Yeah, lower line..." she nodded...

"Can't believe the galoot sprung it on you like that...All planned out like that...I didn't think he had it in him..." Lilly smiled to Amy...

"Sheldon is very deep...Emotionally as well as mentally..." Amy noted...

"Uh-huh..." grin to Bernadette who merely stared...


"Say, Amy...Could you give us five and see if Penny's got the cocoa ready?...Bernie wants to speak to me..." Lilly smiled...

"About Howard?...Perhaps I should stay and referee?..." Amy , careful look to Bernadette...

"Nah...She just wants to lay down the law to me...Just give us a few, will ya?..."

"All right..." Amy rose...A bit reluctantly... "But while I understand your natural jealously please don't spoil this night, Bernadette... "

Bernadette, frowning now...

"I'm just pulling your pretty leg, sweetie...Bernie just wants to know how to handle the big day tomorrow since she's afraid three will be a crowd at the ceremony..." Lilly, kindly... "Ok?..."

"There's no need for clever subterfuge...But fine...I'll see if Penny's willing to consider s'mores as well..." Amy ... "Bernadette?..."

"Yeah...I get it, Amy...Don't spoil your evening...Thanks..."

"I meant to say, take as much time as you need to settle things...I understand how hard this is for you..." Amy, simply...Shy smile..." But I believe Lilly doesn't want to hurt you..."

"Thanks, kiddo..." Lilly, smiling...As Amy headed out...

"Sorry..." Bernadette called...

"She's a sweetie...And not as clueless as first impressions might give..." Lilly noted..."So, sis of the religious persuasion...?" she grinned... "You wish to dish?..."

"I'm afraid for Howard...Tell me nothing will happen to him in this..." Bernadette, quickly, fiercely... "He's risked his life for you once...That's more than enough..."

"Nothing will happen to him...I'll die first..." Lilly replied, simply... "Can't do better than that, sister..."

Bernadette nodding slowly..."And it'll all be ok?..."

"Sure..." smile... "Just gotta dot the is and cross the ts...And smile for the cameras..." Lilly making Sign of the Cross...Tapping the is for start, crossing herself... "Course I can't keep him from inviting me and the family over later on...You'll have to try nagging him outta that..." grin...

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