"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XXVI...Conclusion...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XXVI...

Vice President Zhang Lu speaking at podium, rather charming in his folksy manner, a rotund, dapper fellow of friendly countenance...

"Our lovable lil' Khrushchev..." Lilly joked to Howard in whisper...Smiling while nervously gripping his hand...

Bernadette glancing to her side past Howard and Lilly to see Lilly's family...All eyeing Minister Fang as he stood with his assistants, attending the Vice President's speech, he addressing an occasional word to the US officials near him...

The Vice President, finishing with a friendly line in Mandarin, declaring Dr. Howard Wolowitz a noble man of the heart and a welcome friend, brother, and honorary citizen of the great People's Republic...

"So much for the years I labored on my dissertation..." Sheldon frowned...

"Oh, please...You told me you practically wrote it in your sleep and during down time on video gaming while you were working on the real stuff that interested you..."

"It's the principle of the thing, Leonard...And you might have expressed appreciation of the solidarity I was expressing toward you and all the others who actually had to labor to get enough thought on paper for a degree..."

"Thanks..." glare...

"No problemo, dude..." shrewd nod...

Minister Fang stepped to the podium and now began his own speech on the glorious future of space partnership and cooperation...His rather icy delivery muting the enthusiastic nature of his words...

"Are you henjoying der Fuehrer's speech?..." Lilly hissed to Howard...

"May his words life for a thovsand years..." Howard returned...

"It'll be ok..." she nodded...Hand squeeze... "They'll squawk a little but I'll land on my feet...It was just nerves...Thanks for the support, I'll be fine..."

"Liar..." he hissed... "Leave it to me, Pengy..."

"You're so cute when you're all 'take charge', you good-rooking randy lil' Jewish boy..." smile...
"Whatever happens, whether you want me or not, I'm yours beyond death, Howard Wolowitz..." quick tense stare belying the smile...

"Are we ready for this, gentlemen...?" Leonard hissed, back at his seat on the stand...

"Not at all..." Sheldon returned... Raj sighing... "But, as much as we'll ever be..."

"Raj?..." Leonard eyed him...To nervous nod...

The NASA administrator now took stage...

"You're up next, milady...Knock 'em dead, Pengy-poo..." Howard urged...

"Yeah?...Tell me you brought nerve gas..." nervous grin...

"Too volatile and the agents all have masks..." he noted... "Just remember your endorsement contracts all hinge on this...And you've a big family to provide for..."

"And a film career post space...Say?...I never thought of that...No chance money would buy you, my love...?" hiss...

"Eh, Bernadette's family's got some...And she'll be writing a book..." grin...

"I'm scared...Howie...Tell me it'll be ok...Lie like hell..." she gasped suddenly...

"It will..."

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