"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part VII.

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"The Chinese Prisoner…"

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat…But he brought some baggage home…

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's…

Part VII…

"Penny!..." hard knock on apartment door… "Penny?!...It's Leonard, open up!..."

Penny, headset strapped to head, looking up from her sofa seat…Uh-oh…Sheldon busily loading Pavlovian reinforcement programs at his laptop across from her, in chair…Amy, beside her on sofa, frowning at door, while adjusting several electrode bracelets and finger caps on Penny's arms, legs, and hands…

"Tell him you're busy…" Amy, glance to Sheldon who presses button…

"Ow!..." Penny smarted at the shock… "Hey!...Leonard, I'm busy…!" call at end…

"Working perfectly…Sweetface…"Amy's beam to Sheldon…

"Penny!...I need to talk with you…!"

"Tell him…He just wants to talk at you…Sheldon?..." Amy …Sheldon nodding…Pressing…

"OWW!...Jesus, guys!...Leonard…"

"'…talk at you…'And with irritation…" Amy, urging…Flash of eyes to the waiting Sheldon, standing by to administer reinforcement…

"…You just wanna talk at me!...I'm busy…"

"Irritated tone…" Amy, insistent…

"And irritated…" Penny finished… "I'll call you later…!" Don't…Hard stare at Sheldon…

No need…She's getting it down…Amy, nodding…

"Damnit, Penny!..." Leonard cried… "This is important…I know about Howard…!"

"Know…?" gasp…

"Confident denial…Nothing going on…You're a good girl…" Amy… "Sheldon, accentuate the positive?..."

"Oooh…" Penny jumped a bit… "Whoa…"

"Denial?..." Amy urged…

"What about Howard?...Leonard, I'm busy…I'll talk to you later…" Penny called…

Sheldon eyeing Amy…Not exactly what you wanted…Shall I?...Finger poised…

"It'll do…" shake of head…

"Is someone in there with you?..." Leonard called…


Sheldon hit button at Amy's stare…

"OWWW!...Hey!...No!...I mean, yes…Oh…" Penny pulled at the headset… "Enough…" she hissed to Amy as Amy looked Sheldonward… "I mean it!..." harsh hiss…

"Leonard…I said I'll talk to you later…I'm busy now with Amy and Sheldon…"

"What?!...Sheldon?...Are you really in there?..."

"Passable…" Amy had moved to Sheldon… "Give the good girl a treat…"

He pressed….Penny, eyes rolling…

Hmmn…Geesh…Penny blinked…Wow…Shaking head… "Ok, stop that…" whisper… "Sheldon?…"

"We both are…Myself, namely Amy Farrah Fowler, and Sheldon…" Amy called to Leonard… "And we're busy with my bestie…So please do as she asks…"

"Fine!..." Leonard's annoyed call…Stomping off…

My, Sheldon sure is a cutie when he smiles like that…Penny thought, smiling vaguely at him…Shaking head…

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