"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XXV...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XXV...

"My God, she's prettier than she is on the TV...Bernadette, you better watch that son of mine with her on that space station thing...How long are they gonna be up there?..." stage whisper intensity...

"Three to six months, Ma...It's not certain yet..." Bernadette, seated by Mrs. Wolowitz, carefully noted...Bracing for volume increase...

"Six months!..." incredulous shriek...Notable strain to careful chosen heavy duty folding chair...

The President of the United States smoothly managing to continue his praise of Howard without a break... "Howard Wolowitz, you typify everything..."

"Ma!...Please...The President's speaking..." Bernadette, hiss...Trying to ignore various stares their way...

"Sorry..." Whisper...Barely so... "But you gotta get up there with him...Make him make them take you too, he's a hero, like Lindbergh before he became a rotten Nazi...Heros can do that...God, she reminds me of when Howard used to talk to this Chinese girl on the computer all the time...Kinda chubby girl, I think, but pretty...And did she have her hooks in him...That's how he learned that Mandarin..."

"So he told me..." Bernadette, brittle smile...

"Well, you take care with that one...And don't be afraid ta pull a few strings...Alls fair in love...And the other thing bites..." smile...

"Right..." genuine smile back... "But Howie won't let me down..."

"Course not...I just mean for your own piece of mind...Sides, up there you two will find the cure for cancer or something...Madame Curie..." smile...Pat...

"I'm on it, Ma..." grin...

"What?..." she grinned at Howard's look, he seated next to her...

"They gonna keep us all afternoon, couldn't they give us a little water?..." Mrs. Wolowitz noted, smoothing dress...Chair groaning slightly but holding...

"Ma?...Water?..." Bernadette...Puckish look...

"You're right, you're right...I'd be running for the powder room right on the TV...I shoulda gone with the Depends for a special occasion like this..."

"If she's got the family here, why can't she just stay, frig the deal...?" Penny in the crowd watching, seated next to Amy, hissed...

"I understand the itinerary is for her to go home, to meet with Chinese Mission Control...And there seem to be a good number of Chinese agents ready to make her go..."

"So?...Just take the mike and tell the world she's staying...What are they gonna do, shoot it out with our guys?..."

"It may not be her whole family here now...I don't know...But Howard has a plan...And Sheldon is there to correct the flaws and make it workable..." Amy noted...

Smile... "You gotta good one there, Fowler..."

"Yours is right up there too, bestie..."

"This inspiration you and Dr. Peng have provided to the world..." the President continued...

"Who's that with the Chinese officials...?" Leonard hissed to Sheldon as they sat in their spot on the stand with the Cal Tech faculty and distinguished alumni...

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