"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XXIII...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XXIII...

"Hey..." Lilly looked up from where she still sat on Leonard and Sheldon's sofa, engaged in Morse tapping with Raj to beam at the entering Howard, in robe, slippers, and pyjamas, followed by Bernadette in nightie, sneakers, and robe...

"There's our Hugh Hefner and wife...You two wild kids were missed...Breakfast is set, soon as our other couples decide they've reached nirvana..." grin to Raj...

"Hey, come and sit by me, you ravishing creature..." wave to Howard...Bernadette giving frowning nod to his brief glance...

She tasks me...She tasks me...But I know it's despair, not triumph in those beautiful eyes...

Besides, it's true...And there is, thank the Holy Mother, a little corner of me that can appreciate my fellow Sister of the Order of Wolowitz who could see that our Howie is a ravishing creature before any but us could...And a corner that is unselfishly grateful there could be someone else to care for him if anything ever happens to me...

A very little corner, maybe...But...

"I just been hearing how you taught Raj how to talk dirty in Morse..." Lilly began, to Howard...Raj, sheepish look...

Yes...And I'm lucky...That she loves him that much...That unselfishly...Bernadette thought, sitting with Howard... 'Cause if it were me, facing what she's facing...

And I was the one who'd loved him first, who'd loved him all my life...

As I will...

I'd kill the bitch...And to hell with my trapped family...

"Anything wrong, Sheldon?..." Leonard, seated in living room chair, eating, eyed him...

"Sweetheart?..." Amy, worried look at his slight groan, hurried set down of plate...

"Looks to me like someone got his BM schedule thrown off this morning...I wonder how that could've happened..." Leonard, archly...

"Shut up..." Amy, coldly...Narrow stare...Helping Sheldon to his feet...

"Come on, Moonpie...Lets get you to the bathroom...It'll be fine..." she led him carefully...Another harsh glare at Leonard who gave a sheepish shrug...

"God, you think she's going to be doing that a lot?..." he mused...

"Sticking up for the guy she loves...?" Lilly, sardonic look... "I'd say yeah..."

"I was only teasing..."

Loud groan from bathroom...

"Sheldon Cooper deferring his morning movement for sex...I have seen everything..." Howard shook his head...

"Well, Leonard was only teasing..." Penny noted... "Even if it was a pretty poor tease..."

Leonard, disappointed look...

"I'll stick up for you but I'm not gonna cover for you saying stupid things..." she noted...

"A schedule's actually not such a bad idea in space at least..." Lilly noted... "It can be difficult to keep things running smoothly in near zero-G...Though thank God there'll be two of us who know how to fix the Wolowitz Special..." grin...

"It's been running perfectly the last couple of years..." Bernadette frowned...

"Pepto bismol!..." Amy cried, sticking her head out of the bathroom...

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