"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XV...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XV...

"I think you have a fan for those Bollywood moves..." Lilly smiled at Raj as they sat...Raj looking over to where the tall agent, seated at a corner table, was regarding them both intently...

"Just what does that fellow want...?" Raj, nervously gulping a swig and glancing...

"I'm precious to my motherland, Rajesh..." she smiled... "The last thing the sacred homeland would want, to lose their international star to an accident or some other untoward occurrence...At least not before the grand event symbolizing her acceptance as a mature global partner..."

"I'm sorry...Will they make you go back?..."

"You wanted to warn the evil temptress off, didn't you?..." she smiled at him coyly, ignoring... "You're a good friend, Dr. K...Even if you can't hold your liquor...I'm glad Howie has a friend like you...I've worried, all these years, that he didn't..."

Raj, puzzled...Eyeing bottle in hand...

Perhaps I've reached my limit...?

"Excuse me?..." he began...

"Hey..." Leonard and Penny had come over to Howard and Bernadette...

"Dr. Hofstadter...Mrs. Dr. Hofstadter to be..." Howard grinned...

"Yeah...Yay..." Penny, nervous grin...Shaking raising fist...

"Care to dance with my fiancee?..." Leonard asked... "As an aspiring actress she needs to be seen with famous celebrities...And I'm now sorta her manager, I guess..."

"May I have this one?..." Penny offered a hand... Leonard nodding to Howard's look...


"Sure, if Bernie doesn't..."

"Yeah, I'll sit this one out..." Bernadette, smiling...

"I'll keep her company, go..." Leonard beamed...

"Oh God, look at Sheldon..." he blinked, gazing across the floor at Sheldon, now lifting and twirling Amy about...To applause...

A flushed Amy beaming...

"Well, at least we can try for the sympathy vote..." Howard noted, rising to take Penny's hand...

"Thanks..." Bernadette smiled at Leonard as they watched the new couple join the groups on the floor...

"Are you kidding?...What better way to remind Penny that Howard's the world's worst dancer..." he grinned...

"I guess he told you I was a little..." he eyed her...

"Yeah..." she nodded...Slight giggle... "But Penny was the hilarious one...All that horse hockey trying to act like she wasn't as gaga over Howie as every other woman on the planet...Like I'd believe she'd be spending time checking out even pseudo science on 'You Tube'..."

"You're a good soul, Dr. Rostenkowski..."

"Oh, please..." grin... "To be honest, I was more worried about Penny when she used to despise Howard...But kept talking about him..." she put up a hand at his stare... "Only when she was lonely and you two weren't together...I won't deny I'm glad you two finally worked things out...For selfish reasons as well as loving you both..." smile...

"I guess I just hadn't realized how scared Penny was of trusting me...Or that I'd still left some room for doubt...I won't ever do that again..." sheepish look...

"Don't...I mean that, mister...My friend's been hurt a lot...But I think you'll do...After all, Howard Wolowitz, hero, vouches for you..." she smiled at his grin...

"Thanks..." he paused...

"I know all this recent stuff has been hard on you..." he noted...

"Oh, yeah..." she nodded... "But it's never easy being the other woman..." she eyed his startled face...Wry smile...

August, 2000...Cal Tech computer lab...

"Seriously?...'I'm impressed that you know Hebrew'?..." the text on screen ran... "You think we never made it to China?..."

Grin at screen...Reflected image of frizzy-haired 17 year old Howard Wolowitz in "Gore 2000!" T-shirt...


He looked up to see the annoyed face of a lab TA eyeing him from the front of the lab...A group of undergraduate students in tow...

"Hey!...Bwuddy..." call... "Intwerns are wrestricted use in the computer lab...Hours from 2-5 only, no exceptwions..."

"Yeah, sorry...Lost of twrack of twime..." Howard replied, innocently...Several of the students eyeing each other with smiles...The TA frowning at him...

"Gotta go..." he typed quickly... "Der Oberfuhrer TA Krupke hast arrived...Catch ya later when I get to MIT next week...Kosher Yankee signing off..."

"Ciao...Nice Catholic-Jewish China Doll loves ya...U so good-rooking nice Jewish boy..." the reply...

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