"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part VI.

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"The Chinese Prisoner…"

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat…But he brought some baggage home…

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's…

Part VI…

"Amy…Thanks for…"

Sigh as she looked to see Sheldon carting two large metal suitcases…

"…coming with Sheldon…"


"No problem, bestie…" Amy, bright nod… "Set those down here, Moonpie…" she indicated…

"Amy?..." Penny stared at the cases…

"Just a little neurobiological help to deal with our problem…We call it 'our problem' because as my best friend, your problem is my problem…And as my lover/devoted one, my problem is Sheldon's problem…" beam…

"The logic was inescapable…" Sheldon nodded… "And was incorporated into an addendum to our Relationship Agreement…"

"Yeah…Thanks…But what is all this…?"

Amy opening one case… "Here we have the latest in Pavlovian techniques…Both negative and positive reinforcements designed to squash any possible lust cravings you may have for one short space hero…And to reinforce…Or create, if need be…Such feelings for the lover you find socially more acceptable…"

"What?...Amy, I don't find Leonard 'socially acceptable'…I mean…I love Leonard… 'Socially acceptable' or not…"

"Interesting…?" Amy eyed Sheldon, who nodded…

"Somewhat…Though certainly not…Fascinating…" he noted…

"What's that mean?...Are you guys doubting I love Leonard?..."

"Not at all…The trouble and modest humiliation you're putting yourself through right now suggests you have quite strong feelings for him…" Sheldon observed… "We're just curious as to how that feeling stacks up against good ole lust-driven passion…"

"Very curious…Ummn…" Amy, a bit eagerly…

"I don't not want Leonard, you know…" Penny, a bit desperately… "He's very attractive, in his Hobbity lil' way…"

"And yet fame and success are pulling Wolowitz out in front in the race…At least for now…" Sheldon, thoughtfully… "Tell me, is the potential wealth Howard may achieve now also a major draw?…And how much would you rate that on a 1-5 scale…?"

"One being 'it would be nice to be able to buy those shoes I love but it's not all that big a deal' to five being 'diamonds are a whore's best friends, guys'…" Amy explained…

"Hey?!..." Penny glared… "This isn't about money…Or fame…Well…" she gulped… "Maybe the fame is a bit of a draw…But…You know, he did do a really brave thing…" she broke down a little… "It's just…"

"Electrode headset…" Amy urged Sheldon…He opening the second suitcase…

"If it's any consolation…" she told Penny, reaching for the headset from Sheldon's extended hand… "I'm not entirely without ulterior motives here…I'm hoping to learn a little more from you for my studies on neurobiological aspects of primate social hierarchical behavior…So I'm a bit of a whore for Science here myself…"

"I'm more the bawd in this situation…" Sheldon noted…

"But we do want to help…" Amy finished…Earnest stare that melted Penny's glare…

"The Chinese Prisoner..."Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora