"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XVI...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XVI...

"They call me Cuban Pete. I'm the king of the rumba beat.

When I play the maracas I go chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom

Yessir, I'm Cuban Pete. I'm the craze of my native street.

When I start to dance, everything goes chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky boom

The senoritas they sing and they swing with terampero-

It's very nice, so full of spice.

And when they dance in they bring a happy ring that era keros-

Singin' a song, all the day long.

So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Pete

And I'll teach you to chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom."

"Interesting..." Amy nodded to Sheldon's recital of the lyrics at her inquiry as they danced... "You say this was the signature song of Lucille Ball's former husband during his non-comedic career..."

"If memory holds true...And in my eidetic case it must...He sang it several times during the run of 'I Love Lucy'...I used to watch the show with my mom back in Galveston when I was home sick from school...Which was most of the time..."

"It has a certain rhythmic allure...That is, if I were susceptible to such allure..."

"Amy, the movement of your derriere to the beat, if I may be so bold as say so as your official boyfriend...Suggests you in fact are quite susceptible..."

"Point taken..." she shrugged... "But clearly my derriere is in motion only because I'm in your capable arms..." smile...

"Oh, I sense we're back to that strange crying incident again..."

"No...Though it is related...In this case I would say it's a matter of sexual arousal and emotional bonding...Stimulated no doubt by our interaction with Penny and Leonard..."

Hmmn... "Fascinating...If somewhat disturbing..."

"Indeed...Sheldon..." long stare while swaying for a dip and turn... "Sheldon...I've been honest about accepting your conclusion as to my rotating posterior and the psychosexual effect of your deft mambo moves and manly physique..."

"I don't see..."

"I will refer to Article 1, paragraph IV of the Relationship Agreement...Regards 'Honesty'?...Namely, that the two parties contracted in the agreement establish it as the...Hmmn...'Best policy'..."

"A saying of Meemaw's...She said to put it in when..."

"Sheldon?..." Amy stopped suddenly...Open-mouthed... "You never told me the Relationship Agreement involved any editorial assistance...?"



"Meemaw always told me to speak to her when I got serious about a nice girl...Sorry...I promised..." sheepish voice... "I never break a promise to Meemaw..."

"Oh, Sheldon..." she hugged him... "You mean to say you got your Meemaw's advice about the Relationship Agreement?...With me?...Sheldon..."

"Are you crying again?..."

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