"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XIV...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XIV...

"That's quite a stack of books..." Leonard eyed the comics pile...Happily wheelbarrowed out to his car by an eager Stuart... Lilly following...

On the street corner, the watching agent in overcoat, eyeing them...

"My brothers are big on comics...Particularly the Flash..." Lilly, beaming at Stuart... "Not easy to get your hands on even in Beijing...Now me, I'm more the Green Lantern type..."

"It'll be expensive to fly all this out to China, won't it?..." Leonard asked...

Stuart, slight frown...

Hofstadter, you got the girl...Eyeing a rather radiant Penny happily lugging a pile of comics...At least leave me this one...

"Well, what's international fame for if not to get cheap rates on shipping stuff home..." Lilly noted, a bit smoothly... "Thanks for helping us with these..."

"Not a problem...Howard?...You ok...?" Leonard eyed a Howard struggling to place the last part of his load on the pile in the car...Penny moving to help him...

"Fine...No problem..." slight groan as he straightened... "Just a bit of hernia poking through..."

"Shoulda let me take them..." Penny shook her head..."Bernadette, are you ok?..."

"Sure..." gasp... "Piece of cake...Howard, you need to sit down...Here, let me..." she leaned on him... "Help you..." gasp...

"I think you both should sit down..." Leonard noted...

"Yeah, really...You guys should've let me and Penny handle them..." Lilly shook her head..."But thanks..." eyeing Bernadette's glare...

"Sure..." Bernadette nodded... "Lets get you inside, honey..." she urged Howard on through the door...

"So what's on for the rest of the night...Come on, we are gonna celebrate, right?...Leonard?...You just got the blonde ring..." grin at Penny... "You gotta make this a night to remember..." Lilly noted... "And I wouldn't wanna let my shadow be bored..." she grinned at Leonard, throwing a thumb out at the tall, stolid figure watching from the opposite sidewalk... "Hey, there's something..." she beamed...Eyeing a notice on Stuart's Community Events wall as they re-entered the store...Penny coming over...

"Holly Street Grill has the Mambo Kings!...Lets go hit the dance floor, I love to mambo!..."

Mambo?...Penny mouthed to Leonard...

Well...He began...Catching something in her look...

"Yeah..." he grinned... "You know, Lilly...I think I do feeling like mamboing..." Penny, slightly teary smile back...You...

"Hey, Sheldon?...Amy?...We're going to go mambo!..." Lilly called to them as the group reentered the store...Sheldon, clearly on the receiving end of a lecture from Amy regarding his snap at Lilly earlier, nervously eyeing her while seated with Amy at a table, offering what pearls of comfort wisdom alternating with apology he could to the still somewhat troubled Amy...

Still a bit nonplussed...Happy ending...By some standards...Or not...What exactly had been so upsetting in whatever emotional jibber-jabber Penny had been indulging in with Leonard?...

And what devastation was it sure to have on his own life by the odd but relentless osmosis that seemed such a major component of Amy's unfortunate choice of Best Friend Forever...

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