"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XIII...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XIII...

"Sheldon..." Leonard nodded to him as he idly thumbed through some comics in the Iron Man racks...Penny currently off to the ladies room...In dire need of water and tissue...

But rather pleased to be so...Noting to Leonard's bemused, amused concerned face that she hadn't been so happy in too long...Kiss, long kiss, in parting...

Neither in their own concerns having noticed Amy's abrupt departure for the samesaid ladies room...

"Leonard..." curt nod... "All right, enough of the pleasant light-hearted chit-chat, mister..." glare... "What did you do?..." accusatory tone...

"Excuse me?..."

"What did you do to Penny that made Amy cry?..."


"Don't pull the old answer with a question routine with me...What did you do?!..."

"Me?...I didn't do anything...And by the way, why were you and Amy snooping in on us?..."

"Beside the point...You did something...Penny left crying, Amy left crying...All reactions requiring an initial action...What did you do?...Did you accuse Penny of betraying you?...Did you make commentary on the fickleheartedness of women in general?...Because Amy is not like that...How dare you!...Apologize!..."

"What?...Sheldon?...What the frack are you talking about?...Apologize for what?..."

"For making Amy cry..." angry glare... "You told Penny something that make her cry..."

"And how, pray tell, would Amy know that?..." frowning stare...


"She has very good hearing..."

"Sheldon...Were you eavesdropping on our private conversation?...I mean even after you stopped trying to overhear us and went away?..."

"Certainly not...We were monitoring, with Penny's permission..."

"You bugged our conversation?...And what do you mean, 'with Penny's permission'?...Not to mention 'fickleheartedness'?..."

"Just that...Though I clearly laid the charge of accusing Womenkind in general of said 'fickleheartedness' at your doorstep...And monitored is the word...Electronically..."

"Bugged is the word and why would Penny give her permission?..."

"I can't answer that...Confidentiality issues..."

"Since when did either of you become licensed therapists...Or priests?..."

"Well, we were ordained for Wolowitz's wedding..." smug note...

"Penny gave you permission to 'monitor' us?...Why would she do that?..."

"She wanted our help...Why is Amy crying?..." anxious note... "Leonard, what did you say?..."

"Well, I told her we were through 'cause I can no longer repress my passion for Amy...I guess Amy just...OW!..."

"I know you're being facetious...Consider that a warning...Hey!..." glare...

"How do you like it?!...Joe Jujitsu..." counterglare...

"Not as much as I'll like this!..." intense frown, fingers to each side of head...

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