"The Chinese Prisoner..." Part XVIII...

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"The Chinese Prisoner..."

Summary: A surprisingly modest Howard has returned to a global hero's welcome after an incredible space feat...But he brought some baggage home...

Disclaimer: All that is Chuck's is Chuck's...

Part XVIII...

"Everyone set?...What?..." Leonard looked at Penny seated next to him in his car giving him a sidelong glance...

"Sheldon jumped four feet in the air..." she noted...

"Four feet, two inches by my calculation..." Amy in back, contentedly...

"Hope you don't mind..." Lilly to Bernadette...A somewhat sheepish Howard held firmly in Lilly's lap..."Just don't have the lap capacity for anyone else..."

"Oh, not at all...I kinda like it up here..." Bernadette, Raj-perched, brittle smile...

Perhaps slightly more genuine at Howard's wince...

Don't have the 'lap capacity'....Geesh... And she deliberately took the side seat...

"It is a surprisingly comfy way to travel..." Sheldon noted from his own perch...

"Thank you for the implied complement to my lap comfort index, fiancee..." Amy, pleased...

"Certainly, fiancée..."

"Alls I'm sayin'...My bestie's fiancée, four feet in the air... when she said..." Penny noted, quietly...

"Hhahh..." sigh... "Oh, did anyone tell Stuart we were headin' out?..." Leonard called...

"He was still busy selling those comics Lilly and Howard signed..." Raj...

"That was nice of you..." Bernadette to Lilly...Who shrugged...

"Not a problem...I respect his entrepreneurial spirit..."

And if you'd stop trying to squeeze your boobies into my husband's back...And good for him, he's not yet accepted your suggestion he'd be more comfortable facing you...

"...And he's kicking back 10% of the profits..." grin...

"God Bless America..." Howard, grin...

"One that I Love..." Lilly, beaming...

"It's 'land'..." Bernadette, hastily...

"Oh, right..." coy smile...

"Look, I would have jumped...I will jump..." Leonard, sighing...

"Unless that's with a rope, Leonard..." Sheldon noted... "The moment's passed..."

"Sheldon Cooper, for Romance..." Amy, rather proudly...

"Say, Penny..." Lilly, an effort to sound off-hand...Howard gasping a bit at her sudden tickle...

Narrow look from Bernadette...


"Any chance, given tomorrow afternoon's when everyone should be coming in, you could put me up?...I'd like to get away from that hotel for one night..."

"Uh...Sure...It's just...Amy and I..."

"The newly engaged besties must dish fianceewise..." Amy noted, a bit concerned...

So much to do, particularly in scheduling...

As in, either me first...Or we have a six months' gap to allow my bestie's inevitable radiance (lets face it, the woman would look magnificent in a garbage bag for a wedding gown) to fade...

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