Five: Help or Else

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Never forget you by Lena Katina


"Where we going?" Lebara asks.

"I'm going to summon an angel." I answer simply.

"Wait, what?" Zakary asks shocked.

I stop in my tracks as I turn towards everyone, and I notice everyone has shock written across there faces. I might not be able to remember much, but I also know what I'm doing is pretty stupid. I don't really have a choice though, they are the only one who can point me in the right direction with how to bring Cordelia back from Purgatory. If I don't do this now, then I'm going to lose my nerve and won't do it at all. I turn away from them as I pick up a stick, and started drawing his summoning circle. I turn towards Zakary who lets out a sigh as he walks over. He grabs the stick from me as he pricks himself in his palm, then makes his blood drip in the summoning circle.

"Are you sure about this Sirius?" Zakary whispers to me.

"I'm positive. I need them to help us." I whisper back to him.

"They aren't going to help us. They aren't like me Sirius." Zakary whispers to me sadly.

I turn to him and saw the sadness on his face, before I look away letting out a sigh. I don't care if they don't want to help, because I will force them to help us. I need to know a way to bring her back, because this aching pain is bothering me and I couldn't imagine how it was when I had my memories. I glance up at the night sky and just hope that they will have at least mercy for Cordelia. She's human after all, and doesn't deserve to be in Purgatory. I let out another sigh as I turn back to Zakary.

"I know, but I have to at least try." I tell him.

Zak nods as we both back away from the summoning circle, and we waited for a few minutes. The wind blew softly which gives a small chill, but it doesn't really bother me. The wind soon picks up, sounding like it's howling while making the leaves swirl around us. I cover my eyes as a bright white light appears. I squinted once it dims and saw him standing there with an annoyed look on his face. I cross my arms and I glare at him as I took a step towards him.

"Michael." I say his name.

"Satan's son." Michael hisses.

"Is that how you greet family? I didn't think so." I say smirking.

"Family? Hmph. What do you want?" He growls.

"I need your help, and before you say anything I know what your going to say. Why would I help you? Blah blah blah. But, it isn't just helping me, it's for helping-" I try to explain it to him, "I know very well what you want, and we still don't care. We aren't going to help you." Michael tells me.

"Why not! She's human and it was my fault that she's dead! It's my fault that her life got so fucking screwed up! It's my fault for everything that happened! Why are you guys so uptight, and so ought to taking it out on Cordelia when it's my own fucking fault!" I yell at him frustrated.

I glare at him as he stares at me with wide eyes, and I didn't know if it's because I just yelled at him or confessed that it was my fault. I then felt wetness on my cheeks, and I move my hand and wipe away the wetness to notice that it was tears. I'm crying? Now? I thought even more frustrated. I let out a sigh trying to calm myself down, but when I look up at Michael I notice that he's in deep thought. I decided to say something before he says something nonsense, and make me angry.

"Listen Michael, I know we are two different people. I'm a demon and your an angel, but please you have to help Cordelia. She doesn't deserve to be in Purgatory, she doesn't deserve anything that had happened to her. You can hate me all you want, but don't hate Cordelia. She's innocent, she didn't do anything wrong." I tell him sincerely.

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