Six: Never Giving Up

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Never Forget You by Zara Larson



The thick fog shield us from those annoying reapers, but we made it to somewhere I haven't been to before. There's actually something here. It looks like a lone pond with what looks like transparent trees; rocks and bushes surrounding it. As we got closer to this strange pond, something weird happened. Colors. Lots of different colors flash quickly through the water. It goes from blue; purple; green; red; yellow and then it repeats. It's almost hypnotizing to stare at. I notice that it's a bit darker here than the rest of Purgatory. There's something else that's strange too. There's absolutely no other spirits around, and I notice there's no reapers around either. It's like this place is off limits or something. I then started to feel something strange inside of me, and I realized that Cristobal can feel it too. It feels almost like a pull but also feels like I have a knot in my stomach. It's strange. My curiosity got the better of me though, as I reach towards the strange pond. My hand is only inches from the colorful water, and my eyes widen when the water starts to swift and swirl. The colorful water starts to rise from the pond in a swirling manner, and it starts to come towards my outstretched arm slowly. I stood frozen not knowing what will happen if it touches me. I didn't get a chance to find out though, as Cristobal quickly grabs onto my wrist before pulling me back. The swirling water quickly plops back into the pond, and it starts flashing different colors again.

"What are you doing Cordelia? We don't know what this thing is. It could be dangerous." Cristobal warns me.

"But what if it isn't dangerous? What if it's something that will help us?" I ask him sternly.

"Cordelia, there's nothing that can help us. We're in Purgatory. I'm doomed, and no matter what you will be judged." Cristobal tells me.

"I can't accept that Cris! You saw that message! He's coming. He will save us, he will get us out of here." I tell him strongly.

"I'm sure he doesn't even know I'm here. Last he knew, I'm just dust on the ground. Well, technically my dust is probably underground by now." Cristobal says upsettingly.

I'm about to reply but something is nagging me, and it feels like something is wrong. I turn towards the strange pond again, and for some reason I feel like I should let the water touch me. I walk towards the pond and it did the same exact thing, and Cristobal didn't get a chance to react as the swirling water wraps around my wrist. I widen my eyes as I let out a loud gasp. The water is pulling me in! I try to free myself but it just pulls harder, and it just whips Cristobal away. More swirling water comes and wraps itself around me, as it pulls me inside of the pond. I watch as Cristobal quickly gets out of my view. I held my breath as all I see is colorful water. I notice bubbles surrounding me and then I notice something odd. The pond is bigger under here than it looks above, but what's stranger than that? There's one big bubble with a picture on it, and it's moving! I realized there's voices coming from the big bubble, and I strain to hear what it's saying.

"-at are we going to do?"

"I uh, I guess we go see this reaper guy."

"Is that even wise though? I mean, can we even trust that this reaper will actually help us?"

"The angels suggested him, so we should be able too. Right?"

"The angels don't care about us. They only helped us out once because of Sirius's ability to feel guilt!"

My eyes widen when I heard Sirius's name. It's them! I knew there voices sound so familiar. It's been so long since I've heard there voices. I actually miss hearing there voices, miss seeing them and being around them. I want to be with them again, to be with Sirius again. I stretch my hand out desperately trying to reach my friends. The big bubble starts to ripple as my hand gets closer to it, and starts to really ripple when my hand touches it. I felt it pulling me through and I let out a gasp as it pulls me through. I felt like my body is being rushed through cold air. I felt like my body, or well actually I have no body it's my spirit that feels like it's being twisted.

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