Thirteen: Michael

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Silence Comes Easy by Hari Vasan



I'm standing outside of the room bored as ever, but I need to respect there privacy. I get it's a lot to go through, and I wouldn't expect her to automatically give me an answer. I'm patient, but she can't wait to long as one of my brothers might catch us, or even my father. A sudden loud crash erupts just north from where I am, and I jump alert. I turn towards the room where Cordelia and her parents are in before rushing towards where the crash came from. It took me nearly three minutes to get to the destination, before I slam open the door to see a sight that I'll never forget. Raphael is on the ground like he's been blown backwards, and I glance over to what could be the cause of it. I smirk when I see the newborn angel standing there with widen shocked eyes. She has long blond hair with baby blue almond shaped eyes, she's wearing the typical angel clothing which is white robes with a golden rope tied around her thin waist. The golden sandals that we wear is on her pale feet, and I notice that she looks a bit younger than most angels who gets created. Instead of looking around twenty, she looks to be around eighteen instead. That's interesting. I think wondering why Father would create an eighteen year old angel instead.

"Thank Heavens your here Michael!" Raphael growls.

I turn my gaze back to him with a wide smirk as he gets up. The new angel rushes over to him and tries to apologize but he just shrugs her off. I walk over and put my hand on her thin shoulder. Why is she so thin? Father would never make an angel so thin. I wonder confused. I glance at her before trying to forget about it for now. I still have to get back to Cordelia and figure out what I'm gonna do with her, because am I really gonna break the rules by sending her back to Purgatory?

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The new angel kept apologizing.

"Don't apologize. It happens to everyone at some point. Raphael did that to me when he was created." I tell her smirking.

"Michael." Raphael growls.

"What? It's true and you know it." I reply laughing.

"So, I'm not in trouble?" The new angel asks quietly.

"Of course not. I'm Michael by the way. Your big brother and way cooler than Raphael here." I say smirking.

"You cool? Pfft! Yeah right." Raphael says rolling his eyes.

"What's your name?" I ask her ignoring Raphael.

"Skyler." She tells me as she extends her hand out to me.

"Welcome to the family Skyler!" I welcomed her.

"Thanks Michael." Skyler says awkwardly.

"We need to get back to training, do you mind?" Raphael asks me grumpily.

"No of course not! I'll leave you two be, and be nice to our little sister Raphael." I tell him firmly.

Raphael grumbles as I leave them to continue training, but I still couldn't comprehend on why father created a new angel so soon? He doesn't usually create new angels so close together. What's going on? We aren't having another war are we? I stop as I think about that for a moment, and I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe we are. No we couldn't be. I'm just thinking to much, and I really should be getting back to Cordelia. I walk quickly back to where I've been keeping her. The moment I get there I just walk into the room, and look down at the small spirit whose feeling so much pain. The pain that's vibrating against her soul, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I cross my arms watching her as I wait for her to clear her mind. I know her mind is running wild with thoughts and regrets, and it makes me wonder how she can stay so strong.

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