Nine: MT Ridge

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Hero by Skillet



This is it. This is the place we needed to be. MT Ridge is one of the most dangerous mountains to visit, but if we want to get one of our friends from Purgatory then we have no choice. Michael said that a Reaper is here that could help us, but the question is will he be willing to help us? Reapers aren't friendly creatures, but they aren't evil either. They are neutral that work with both the living and the dead. They can bring the dead back to life, or send them to Heaven or Hell. They have unspeakable powers that even Angels don't really know about, and I'm sure Lucifer doesn't know either. They are a very mysterious creatures, but they are very dangerous too. They barley help anyone as they usually just mine their own business. I don't know how this is going to go, especially since we have to walk through an army of aggressive poltergeists. They are extremely dangerous but more dangerous to humans. We need to figure out a way to keep Jessamyn safe, or she could get serious hurt.

"So, anyone ready for this?" Lebara asks.

"Can anyone really be ready when they are about to walk through a cave filled with aggressive poltergeists?" Chax asks staring at the cave.

"I was being sarcastic Chax. I know we aren't quite ready for this." Lebara says sighing.

"What are we going to do with Sirius?" Jessamyn spoke up.

"I guess carry him until he wakes." I answer.

"Is that smart?" Jessamyn asks.

"Probably not, but I think it's unwise to try to wake him." Lebara says.

"Who are we saving?" Jessamyn asks quietly.

We all turned to stare at her, and I notice a sad and painful look on her face. I can tell she doesn't want to choose between Cordelia and Cristobal. We don't either, but we can't save them both and that's a fact. This Reaper fella isn't going to be willing to save both of our friends. It will be tough just trying to convince him to save just one of our friends. Michael said that he was a bit crazy, and that he tends to forget things. Which makes this even more dangerous for us and for Jessamyn. We need to be extremely careful, and I just wish that Sirius would wake up by now. He could help, even if he doesn't remember anything.

"We know who we are saving." Lebara says quietly.

"What? Who!" Jessamyn asks shock.

"Don't worry about it Jessa." Chax tells her upsettingly.

"How can I not worry about it? We are choosing between two of our friends, and you guys chose without me!" Jessamyn yells close to tears.

"I know it's hard Jessamyn. It was hard for us to, but we didn't want you to have to make a decision too." Chax tells her calmly.

"Their my friends too." Jessamyn says crying.

"I know." Chax says pulling her into a tight hug.

We stayed silent as they calmed down, and this journey seems to get harder and harder. There's more tears and heartbreak than anything. When will we smile again? Laugh or be ourselves again? This isn't what I remember how we were, but life is always full of surprises. It throws good and a lot of bad our way that we have to keep moving and keep fighting. The decision we made was the hardest decision we ever made. No matter who we choose it was always going to be hard. We known Cristobal for a long time, and he always stood by my side when the angels didn't. Cris always calmed me when I started to freak about becoming a fallen. Now, he's gone and I'm a half fallen. Sirius helped me through it instead of the one person I thought would. Cristobal died and I wasn't there to help him. When I first met Cordelia, she tried to act tough but I knew she was scared. It's the one thing angels can feel, we can tell if humans are scared or hurt. I knew Cordelia has been scared and hurt for a long time now, but she always hides it. We barely knew her when she died, but I know there's something about her past that non of us know. It's hard to choose between two friends that you knew a long time, and you barley know at all. In reality you shouldn't have to choose between friends, but we are in a situation where we have too.

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