Twenty Four: Memories

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Remembering by Nightcore



I squint my eyes open as my head is pounding again, and I slowly sit up moving my hand over my head. This pounding needs to stop, it's really annoying. I look around as it's really quiet, and noticed that I'm sitting in the middle of darkness surrounded by floating pictures. What the hell? I think shocked. I stand up as I look around me and they are everywhere. What are these and where did they come from? Where did my friends go, the cave, the cauldron, everything? They couldn't just disappear like thin air. I let out a sigh as I walk towards one of the floating pictures, and I stare at it for a moment. I don't recognize this ever happening, but I recognize the voices. Her voice. It's my soulmate again. I reach out to touch the picture, and I felt like I'm being sucked into the picture. I try to pull my hand back, but it feels like I'm being pulled through a black hole.

I squeezed my eyes shut hoping this is all just a dream, but soon the feeling is gone. I peek an eye open and see that I'm standing in the middle of the woods. I look around wondering how in the hell I got here. I then hear those voices again, and I turn around to see myself and my soulmate? It has to be, it has her voice and I feel a tingling feeling whenever she talks. It has to be my soulmate, but she's dead how is she here? Wait, how is there another me? Wait another second. I'm being stupid, this has got to be a memory right?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" She asks him raising an eyebrow.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat when she talked, but I don't remember her. I know she's my soulmate but I just can't remember. I hate feeling like this. I just hate not remembering, but if this really is my memories then hopefully I'll be able to remember everything. I'll remember everything about her.

"Would you like to know." He states bitterly.

"Actually yeah I would like to know." She states glaring at him.

"Well, your not allowed to know." He spats.

"Fine whatever. I just won't tell you what I'm thinking." She tells him crossing her arms.

It hurts to know that I'm actually a jerk to her, but I guess it's to be expected. It's just how I've been as long as I can remember. The only one who I'm not a complete asshole to was Cristobal, but apparently he's dead as well. I just hurt everyone who I touch. I don't deserve a soulmate, so why did these fates give me a human soulmate? I'm only hurting her, actually I did more than hurt her. I got her killed and sent to her own grave. I didn't do anything to deserve her love.

"What are you thinking?" He asks her curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She shot back his answer to her.

I might not have deserved her love, but at least she can stand up for herself. The fates might've made a mistake putting her with me as my soulmate, but at least they gave me a strong fighter. She doesn't give a shit what I throw at her, and that's a great trait when your stuck as a soulmate with a demon. I just wish I could've been more to her. I wish I could've been a better soulmate to her.

"Why are you annoying." He hisses.

"Why are you a hothead?" She shot back.

"Stop that!" He yells at her.

"Stop what?" She asks him innocently.

I watched the scene as myself picks her up before pinning her against the tree. I notice them both glaring at each other. I'm really an awful soulmate. Why did I get a soulmate? What did I do to deserve one? I'm an asshole to everyone, including to my own soulmate. I don't deserve her.

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