Twenty Two: The Witch

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Whatever It Takes by Cash and Maverick



"So, what I'm getting at is that I have a human soulmate whose village I burned down. Cristobal is dead from a battle that we had from a guy named Alistair, who was apparently my Uncle who demised my father. I sent my soulmate away when she helped Alistair get his revenge and kill my father, but that just ended in her death. I went depressed and became determined to save a dead girl, but found out that she's in Purgatory by going to see a witch. Who did help but put a bug in my head that ate my memories?" I ask trying to sum up everything that they've told me.

"That pretty much sums it up." Chax says wrapping his arms around Jessamyn.

"Right." I say doubtful.

I glance at everyone before looking over at the siren whose known as Lebara. Zakary went and pulled her out of the pond, and she's been sitting there quietly ever since. I'm friends with humans, a half fallen, and a siren. What a great group of friends I have. Why did Cristobal have to die in that battle? He's strong like I am, and to be honest shouldn't have died. I feel like there's more to his death that they aren't telling me. Unless they don't know themselves. I think. I do wish that I have my memories, it would be easier. It would be so much easier than not knowing a damn thing.

"I know it's a lot to take in Sirius, but we tried to help and get Cordelia back from Purgatory. We thought we succeeded, but we were tricked." Zakary tells me disappointed.

"What do you mean tricked?" I ask confused.

"We went to see the Grim Reaper to get Cordelia back, and we thought he was going to bring her back. He didn't though, as he made Lebara lose control instead and kicked us out." Zakary explains to me.

I glance over at Lebara again and see that she's looking at the ground guiltily. I stand up and start to pace as I don't know how to feel about this. Cordelia being my soulmate but who is dead, it's not something the significant other wants to hear. Then hearing that she was close to coming back, but failed? That hits deep. My heart feels like a dagger is twisting inside and it's continuous without stopping. I feel so many emotions that I can't describe. I don't know her, but just by the mention of her name is making my heart jump. Well, it would've if they didn't mention that she's dead. I feel like, this is all my fault. I don't remember my life with her but I feel like I should've been a better soulmate to her. I don't remember what we've done or what words we exchanged, or adventure we went on. If we even went on any adventures. I think to myself. This is all just frustrating, and I hate not remembering anything. I hate not remembering her. My mind can't even bring up a image of her, it's just a blur and that pisses me off. I want to see her. I want to know her. I want to remember. I don't even care that she's human, but something deep inside is telling me that I once did. This is just getting to much and I don't know if I should be angry or upset.

"So, now what do we do?" Jessamyn asks.

"Well, we never succeeded in saving Cordelia. I guess we go back to Hell?" Chax answers more like a question.

"So this is it? Our journey is over with? We failed." Zakary says disappointed.

"There's nothing more we can do." Chax says upsettingly.

I hate that they are saying that we failed. That there's nothing left to do. I feel like there's one more thing that we can do. I'm not ready to go back home just yet. Why would I go back anyways? There's nothing there for me. If we failed in getting Cordelia back, then at least I want to get something back. I want my memories back. I want to remember her, to remember the feelings and the time I had with her. If I can't have her back then at least I can have my memories of her back. The only problem though is trying to find that one person who did this to begin with. She did this to me and she can reverse it.

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