Ten: Brigid

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Echo by Crusher-P & CircusP (CirCrush)


Eleven years ago


I run down the dirt road with my two friends Alianor Greene and Philip Rolfe. They are both eleven like I am but Philip is a couple months older than Alianor and I. Alianor has long straight blond hair with baby blue eyes, she's wearing a long sleeved white dress with blue cloth over it to give it color. It's tied with string so it won't fall off her shoulders. Philip has shaggy black hair with green eyes, he's wearing a beige long sleeved top with black breeches. I have long red curly hair with green eyes, and I'm wearing a white short sleeved top with a beige skirt. I have my skirt tied so it wouldn't fall down, and all of us are barefooted because we couldn't afford boots. I don't really care for boots though. I like being barefoot and I like my life, my village, my parents, and my friends. What more could I ever ask for?

"Brigid look! Flowers!" Alianor yells excitedly.

"Flowers!" I yell as I run ahead of them.

"That's cheating you know!" Philip yells.

"Who says it's cheating if we didn't say go?" I say smirking.

"Cheater!" Alianor accused.

I laugh as I keep running towards the flowers feeling the dirt and grass underneath my feet. I run up the hill to the flowers already seeing the yellow and white of the flowers. I push myself a bit more as I made it first to the top and I started my victory dance. Philip makes it second and Alianor makes it last up the hill. They both gave me a glare as I did my happy victory dance.

"You are a big cheater Brigid." Philip says shaking his head.

"I'm not a cheater, your just mad cause I won." I say smiling.

"No. I think your a cheater." He says smirking.

"Nope." I say crossing my arms.

"Yup." Philip says mimicking my movements.

Nope." I say again.

"Yup." Philip says again.

"Ooh! Guys look at this flower!" Alianor says interrupting our pretend argument.

We turn towards her seeing her looking at a strange flower that we never seen before. Philip and I glance at each other for a moment, before we walk over for a closer look at this strange flower. It looks like a white rose with red splattered on it. It's the only one in this patch of flowers, but why did it grow here? I've never seen a rose or any kind of flower like this before. I reach my hand out to touch it but then we all jump hearing my mother calling us. We look at each other quietly, before standing up staring at the strange yet beautiful rose.

"We keep this a secret." Philip states simply.

We nod agreeing with him before turning to head home, but I stop in my tracks staring at the rose once more. It's so beautiful, and so captivating that I want to touch it but I resist the urge for now. I don't know why, but I get the feeling we were being watched. I dismiss the feeling as I turn back around and follow my friends back down the hill. We run back to my house and there's my mother standing there holding a wooden spoon.

"There you three are. I thought you guys were gonna collect some eggs for me?" Mother asks us.

"Um." Alianor tries to say.

"Oops." Philip says quietly.

"Sorry mother we got distracted." I tell her rubbing the back of my head.

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