Eight: The Message

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Without You by Breaking Benjamin



That message. It couldn't be real right? It had to be a sick joke. This never happened before and if it's true then, how are we going to get him out? That message is burning inside of my mind. It's burning inside of everyone's minds. No one can believe it, but she couldn't possibly be playing a trick like this. She wouldn't. She couldn't. That message, will complicate things more. I mean how, how can Cristobal possibly be in Purgatory? No demon is allowed there, and he's there? How are we going to save a demon from Purgatory? It's hard enough to get a human out of Purgatory. I can't image how difficult it's going to be to get a demon out of Purgatory. Why is this getting harder for us? It's already very difficult to begin with, and if Sirius finds out that Cristobal is in Purgatory. What will happen? Will our plan still go as accordingly, or will he decide to get him out instead? It's hard to choose indeed, even though Cordelia is his soulmate but Cris has been his childhood friend since birth! It will be like letting go of a brother. We can't expect Sirius to make a choice, and he shouldn't have too. We should keep this to ourselves, even though it's wrong. It has to be better than seeing him more in pain though. He might not have his memories, but he will get them back and when he does, that pain will come back. It's never easy letting go of something like that, and I hate the fact that I can't help him out more.

I knew Sirius and Cristobal were close even before I met them. Now that Cris is gone, it's hard to think that Sirius sees me as his close second. We don't really hang out. We don't really talk. Heck! He's annoyed when I'm around. At least, he used to be. I don't know what he feels when I'm around. I know he sees me as a friend, but I know he's always annoyed with me. I don't know. It was Cris that always came first. It was him who Sirius went to for advise. To go on hunts. To hang out. Just for anything pretty much. Then there's me. The one who will show up randomly and what? Annoy Sirius, anger him, and just make him so frustrated that he gets so pissed off that he burns down something. That's me. That's who I am to Sirius. A nuisance. A bug on a wall whose baiting a spider. I'm the fly and Sirius is the spider. A spider who wants to be free of its own web. A web where he was almost free of, but was quickly pulled back in. The web, resembles his father. Being free of it resembles Cordelia. Sirius was almost free of his father, his control until Cordelia died. Now he's back where he started, but more tangled. It's not just his father that's controlling him now. It's his love and the loss of Cordelia that's overtaking his life. He's so overtaken by love and loss, that it lend him to losing his memories just to find out if Cordelia is really in Purgatory.

"Do you think that message is real?"

I turn to Jessamyn who looks slightly pale and a bit worried. I pull her close to me to comfort her and she digs deeper into my side as she holds onto me. I look down at her as she's looking up at the sky, and I glance up to not knowing why she's even looking up there. They've helped us once, and they aren't going to help us anymore. It's just the way of Angels and the way of Demons. We've always been enemies, and that's never going to change.

"I believe that it is. Spirits can do anything if they put enough energy in doing so, but it's dangerous if they keep using too much energy at a time." Zakary answers.

"What you mean?" Jessamyn asks.

"He means that if a spirit uses to much energy then it can hurt them and make them weak." Lebara answers.

"What? You mean this can hurt Cordelia?" Jessamyn asks worried.

"Yes and no. If she doesn't use her energy to much then she will be fine." Zakary explains.

"It's Cordelia, she will do whatever it takes to communicate with us. If that includes using lots of energy, then she will do it." Jessamyn tells us even more worried.

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