Twenty One: Combined

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Voices In My Head by Nightcore



I take a deep breath as I try to figure out on how I should tell him. I can trust Michael right? I think I can, he helped me get back and let me see my parents one more time. I have to tell him something now, and so I might as well tell him the truth. If he could help Cristobal out of my head and into his own somehow, then that would make things great. I'm sorry Cris, but we need to tell him. I think to him.

"You don't know what your getting yourself into. I don't think we should tell him."

"Please just trust me Cris, he will help or at least try and find a way." I tell him sighing.

"If it helps you to sleep then fine. Don't expect much though."

I let out another sigh as I look up at Michael whose staring at me with curiousness. I honestly don't know how he can help either, but it doesn't hurt to ask him and see. I don't want to bathe and change knowing there's someone in my head. That's just embarrassing.

"Cordelia what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Michael asks simply.

"Well, it might sound weird then again you pulled me into Heaven and put me back in Purgatory. So, it might not sound as weird. When I came alive, it wasn't just me who came alive again." I say awkwardly.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Michael asks confused.

"When I woke up alive. I found out that I brought Cristobal with me from Purgatory. He's in my head." I tell him plainly.

Michaels eyes widen so wide that they look like they will pop right out of his sockets. I start to twiddle my thumbs as I wait for him to say something. I know it's pretty shocking news, but I was hoping he had heard this happening before. I guess not. Michael is looking away and he seems to be in deep thought, and I wonder if I just made a big mistake. Why isn't he saying anything? I think to Cristobal.

"It's not everyday that you hear a human say that they came back alive, and that they brought a dead demon with them." Cristobal states simply.

"I was hoping that he heard this happening before." I say sighing.

"This never happened before. You are the first that brought a dead demon back from Purgatory." Cristobal tells me.

"Can you stop saying that." I say getting annoyed.

"Saying what? The truth?" He asks confused.

"Stop saying the word dead. You aren't dead anymore. Your with me." I stated it simply.

"That's inaccurate Cordelia. I'm just a mere spirit that's trapped within you. I'm not alive or nor shall I ever be." Cristobal states a bit harshly.

"There has to be a way to bring you back. If there's a way for a mere human like myself to come back, then why not a demon? It's ridiculous. There has to be a way." I tell him firmly.

I didn't hear Cristobal's response as I felt Michael get up. I turn towards him to see him pacing around the room. I kind of forgot he was in here. I got too distracted with talking to Cris that I just forgot about Michael. I notice though, that he has a conflicted expression on his face. I stay seated as he turns towards me with a serious but confused look plastered on his face. I didn't know what to expect him to say, but what he did say surprised me.

"A demon actually coming back from Purgatory is impossible. A demon going to Purgatory should never have happened. Why is it that this particular demon is getting into Purgatory, and then lucky enough to get back out of it again?" Michael rambles to himself.

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